This is Our Project: Independent Artists supporting War ChildWarchild

01 Kelly....All About Timing
02 Alphastates....Angel Kiss
03 John Pippas....Blurry Photograph
04 Hardly Lucky....Existence
05 Steve Ison....California
06 Gina French....Hard Way
07 Eric Steffensen....Drive into the Blue
08 Lane....Best Friend
09 Crash tv....Kick
10 Brian Booth....Something to Say
11 The Rolling River Band....Blue Skies - Red Wine
12 Squrly Murly....Sign
13 Hugh Hamilton....Love Song
14 Al Stravinsky....About Love
15 Maria Daines....Peace Wins the Election
16 Raymond Porter....Warchild
17 Gary Stockton....Bermondsey
18 Eaglehead....Double 13
19 Oflockit....Smile
20 Ash Ferry....A Million Angels
21 Psyche's Muse....Face Of Death
22 Jillianne...One Minute Prayer

War Child International is a network of independent organizations, working across the world to help children affected by war.

War Child was founded upon a fundamental goal: to advance the cause of peace through investing hope in the lives of children caught up in the horrors of war.

Children are amongst the first casualties of any armed conflict, always the most vulnerable and innocent of victims. In the last decade alone 1.5 million children have died in wars. Four million have been disabled and a further 10 million traumatized.

The severe psychological wounds that war inflicts on children can scar them for life, crippling the very generations that must one day rebuild their devastated countries. For the future peace of the world we must do everything in our power to help these war children.

All About Timing (Kelly)

Alternative Pop Rock

Angel Kiss (Alphastates)


Existence (HARDLY LUCKY)


California (Steve Ison)

Alternative Retro and Psychedelic

Hard Way (Gina French)

Pop Rock

Something to Say (Brian Booth)

English acoustic songwriting

Sign (SqurlyMurly)

psychedelic pop

About Love (Al Stravinsky)

Folk/Acoustic Rock/Americana

Peace Wins The Election (Maria Daines)

Folk/Acoustic Rock/Americana

Warchild (Raymond Porter)


Bermondsey (Gary Stockton)

Folk/Acoustic Rock/Americana

Double 13 (Eaglehead)

Alternative Retro and Psychedelic

1 Minute Prayer (Jillianne)

Spoken Word

DMD Compact Disc Online
Various Artists
A group of artists and bands on joined together to produce a compilation DMD to raise money for War Child Holland.

Miscellaneous  info  

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11/3/2022 4:00:17 AM
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8/21/2009 8:00:18 PM
Hello! Yes I wonder too why some of the songs are not playable. Is there anything I can do to help? As always, Thank you IAC for supporting this CD and all the artists on the site :)


4/5/2008 4:16:34 AM
Many of the songs here are no longer playing. Any remedy for this??? -M-



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Last logged in: 7/10/2009 2:41:45 AM         Pageviews:  31639
Al Stravinsky Congrats again on this splendid project and thanks ever so much for including me in it. I'm first to upload so I hope I've got it right!
betty Thank you Al - I was waiting for someone to set up the template...
Hugh Note to the committee - I added Love Song, but didn't make it downloadable, having made the assumption that a committee member will "tidy up" and set prices, etc. Thanks again for the inclusion and your hard work. Cheers...
WIKKED Yeah...My song can be added as well..I see no add symbol.
WARCHILD You are right, Hugh!
WIKKED - HARDLYLUCKY Can we get Existence addable to stations please..I made it that way?
WARCHILD - INDEPENDENT A Yes. Wikked! We are working this matter. It looks like Rolling River Band is in the same boat. Thanks for noting this problem!
Maria Daines - Maria Dai Hi all, this is wonderful, I can't see an add link, also must give you the correct spelling of my name, it's Daines, with an 'i' - just trying to figure this all out, what a GREAT project !!!!
LaCina - 40198 What a great and touchind idea!
RollingRiverBand - 50617 Have re-uploaded Blue Skies to sort the original error. Page is looking really good - very proud to be involved & would like to thank the committee for including us. Steve.
Steve Ison - 6376 Hi..I'd be really grateful if someone could let me know how to upload 'California' here..I dunno how the rest of you are doing it..I'm really confused..
WARCHILD - 50617 Steve, I've sent you a Private Message several days ago and noted that in your shoutbox. I will re-send that Private Message now.
Steve Ison Warchild/Ray?..The 'Song Upload information' you sent just opened this page up again mate,so i'm still none the wiser i'm afraid..
STeve Ison Sorry,i was pressing on the wrong link..Got it now,thanks:)
WARCHILD(not Ray) Thank You, Steve, and sorry for all the confusion! : )
WIKKED Hi Ray. I will help with the page layout if you have some graphics you want to use. I can make the page a little more dramatic and give it some flair if need be? I will send you a private message with my photobucket info to upload pictures.
WARCHILD(not Ray) Thanks a bunch, Wikked! Looks Good!
WIKKED THANKS! Sorry I got you confused with Ray Mort!! I couldn't get the banner you wanted but I did what I could.
WIKKED There...that looks much better!
WARCHILD Yes it does, indeed!!! Thanks a million! -M-
Maria & Paul Hi all, sorry haven't uploaded our song, having major pc trouble here and now I can't access the log in page to upload here, any ideas? Maria
Lane Sorry!! I've been unwell, Ok now, and have uploaded the song! thanks again!! x
WARCHILD You appear to be "up and running" now, Maria! Thanks! And, Lane, sorry to hear that, but glad you are "back". Thank You! I've been a little "un-well" myself of late. -M-
The Vic Genna Gemini Pac Where Do I Sign Up? Hello friends, I just put up a new song for concideration to your station.(* 911 Jump from the fire) Please take a moment to read what is is all about. Thank you , Best regards, Vic
WIKKED I just put the push on and got a few yes I will buy it..It's a great cause!
Ash This page is wonderful! Congratulations to everybody involved! high five. Can somebody make A Million Angels link playable on the DMD page? That would be great..thank you!
Ash Banners for this dmd are available now - See Eaglehead and Promotions Crew
Ash The War Child Banners with the code can be found on my website. thank you everybody!
William J Urmson Great great cause here! I have songs on IAC and would be honored if you could review them for this great station when you have the time? Thanx good luck and God's blessings to you in 07!
Peterson S. Ssendi I wanna talk to you regarding my artist's feelings towards contributing to the War Child
Ash You can find some dmd banner codes at the link on my name. Thank you everybody!
* Your song 'Existence (HARDLY LUCKY)' has just been added to WIZARD X FM station!
* Your song 'Love Song (Hugh Hamilton)' has just been added to Pureheart (composed by: Catherine Ivy) station!
* Your song 'Love Song (Hugh Hamilton)' has just been added to Shades of Sunset station!
* Your song 'Existence (HARDLY LUCKY)' has just been added to THE END GAME station!
* Your song 'Existence (HARDLY LUCKY)' has just been added to SILVERWOODS TOP 50 station!
* Your song 'Love Song (Hugh Hamilton)' has just been added to SuperPuss top 20 station!
* Your song 'Love Song (Hugh Hamilton)' has just been added to SuperPuss Funky Feline Radio 2 station!
* Your song '1 Minute Prayer (Jillianne)' has just been added to station!
* Your song '1 Minute Prayer (Jillianne)' has just been added to IAC Community Charity Shop station!
* Your song 'Sign (SqurlyMurly)' has just been added to Birthday Party station!
IAC Your song 'Warchild (Raymond Porter)' has just been added to KIAC Hitline station!
IAC Your song 'Existence (HARDLY LUCKY)' has just been added to eYe station!
IMP Your song 'Warchild (Raymond Porter)' has just been added to Missing The Beatles? station!
IMP Your song 'Warchild (Raymond Porter)' has just been added to Missing The Beatles? station!
IMP Your song '1 Minute Prayer (Jillianne)' has just been added to Worship Music station!
IMP Your song 'Double 13 (Eaglehead)' has just been added to Double Life station!
IMP Your song 'Existence (HARDLY LUCKY)' has just been added to Dj Bruh Shred station!
IMP Your song '1 Minute Prayer (Jillianne)' has just been added to Apocalypse Radio station!
IMP Your song '1 Minute Prayer (Jillianne)' has just been added to Convalesence station!
Name       Link
Msg  Go!

Independent Artists Supporting War Child

Apocalypse Radio
Missing The Beatles?
Worship Music
Double Life
Hope Street
eYe 5 EyE 5 eYe 5
Dj Bruh Shred
Compilation DMD
sunflower station
Music Junkie Radio
Forest of Azure
Birthday Party
Midnight on frisco bay
Voices of Angels
leggs world

Page Links
Ash Ferry  
John Pippus  
WAR and SIN  
Steve Ison  
Gina French  
Eric Steffensen  
Brian Booth  
The Rolling River Band  
Hugh Hamilton  
Al Stravinsky  
Maria Daines  
Gary Stockton  
Duane Flock  
Psyche's Muse  

11/3/2022 8:00:28 AM
Last pageview at: 7/25/2024 9:32:58 PM
Pageviews: 31639

Independent Artists supporting War Child Holland