John Prine takes his own sweet time dancing with his muse -- and truly writes what's in his soul. So if it takes him a little longer to write the songs that capture moments and reveal the gently folded human truths that bind us all together, it's always worth the wait. Now, nearly nine years since the release of his Grammy-nominated Lost Dogs & Mixed Blessings, Fair & Square will be released on Prine's Oh Boy label April 26th. Grammy-winning songwriter Prine has always fashioned his craft, based on telling universal truths about people not so very different from us all. With a gentle eye, he coaxes meaning from mundane moments and major truths from things that go unseen. Prine begins his highly anticipated tour this month in Knoxville, TN.
Bear Creek Blues
4/7/2020 12:00:58 PM Posted to my Legendary Music station here at IMP: Bear Creek Blues - speechless and awed. John Prine - a legend and one of the inspirations for my debut album, 'No Looking Back - Neil w Young & The Legendary Bear Creek Band'.
12/15/2008 4:54:57 AM John, I really enjoyed Bear Creek, had my foot tapping within seconds!! Thanks for sharing!! �2015-2016 Indie Music People All Rights Reserved
Maywood Illinois USA
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