Chris Pollard is a fine musician and author from Cornwall, UK.

Chris has written books on his beloved Cornwall and children's books that continue to enthrall the young and not so young!

Blue Train


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Rich Russom and Joe Aloisa

1/3/2014 7:51:56 AM
Great job Chris, and you deserve to be # 1, my friend !!! Unbelievable chart staying power, cuz I know how long the song's been up:)



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Truro Cornwall United Kingdom
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Last logged in: 1/3/2014 7:12:20 AM         Pageviews:  34303
* Your song 'Fly Away { Part 1 }' has just been added to THE ANIMAL KINGDOM station!
* Your song 'Fly AwayToo' has just been added to THE ANIMAL KINGDOM station!
* Your song 'Moonflower' has just been added to Bonnie's Animal Favorites station!
* Your song 'Moonflower' has just been added to Bonnie's Animal Favorites II station!
* Your song 'Moonflower' has just been added to Bonnie's Animal Favorites II station!
* Your song 'Blue Train' has just been added to Bonnie's Animal Favorites II station!
* Your song 'Fly Away { Part 1 }' has just been added to Bonnie's Animal Favorites II station!
* Your song 'Moonflower' has just been added to Bonnie's Animal Favorites II station!
* Your song 'Moonflower' has just been added to Bonnie's Animal Favorites II station!
* Your song 'Out Of The Wood' has just been added to Bonnie's Animal Favorites II station!
* Your song 'If An Angel' has just been added to Bonnie's Animal Favorites II station!
* Your song 'Fly AwayToo' has just been added to Bonnie's Animal Favorites II station!
* Your song 'Rocky Road' has just been added to Bonnie's Animal Favorites II station!
* Your song 'Moonflower' has just been added to Bonnie's Animal Favorites II station!
* Your song 'Fly AwayToo' has just been added to Bonnie's Animal Favorites II station!
* Your song 'Moonflower' has just been added to Bonnie's Animal Favorites II station!
* Your song 'Blue Train' has just been added to Beach Music station!
* Your song 'Moonflower' has just been added to Bonnie's Animal Favorites II station!
* Your song 'Blue Train' has just been added to Might B station!
* Your song 'Blue Train' has just been added to All Flavor station!
* Your song 'Blue Train' has just been added to Freedom for Seals station!
* Your song 'Blue Train' has just been added to BSL IS EVIL~ANIMAL TRIBUTES~JUSTICE! station!
* Your song 'Blue Train' has just been added to IN MEMORY OF 'REE' station!
* Your song 'Blue Train' has just been added to Our Beloved Boo ~ R.I.P. station!
* Your song 'Blue Train' has just been added to FREEDOM & TRIBUTES FOR HORSES station!
* Your song 'Blue Train' has just been added to Whisperin Pines station!
* Your song 'Blue Train' has just been added to RED LIST-EXTINCT & ENDANGERED station!
* Your song 'Blue Train' has just been added to The Blues Is A Feeling! station!
* Your song 'Blue Train' has just been added to PAUSE TO PONDER station!
Rich Well Done, My Friend, WELL DONE:)
IMP Your song 'Blue Train' has just been added to Compassion For ALL Creatures station!
IMP Your song 'Blue Train' has just been added to BSL IS EVIL - Lennox & Spencer ~ STOP IT station!
IMP Your song 'Blue Train' has just been added to IN MEMORY OF 'REE' station!
IMP Your song 'Blue Train' has just been added to Our Beloved Boo ~ R.I.P. station!
IMP Your song 'Blue Train' has just been added to FREEDOM FOR ALL HORSES station!
IMP Your song 'Blue Train' has just been added to RAM Publishing~BlueStar station!
IMP Your song 'Blue Train' has just been added to RED LIST-EXTINCT & ENDANGERED station!
IMP Your song 'Blue Train' has just been added to The Blues Is A Feeling! station!
IMP Your song 'Blue Train' has just been added to Compassion For ALL Creatures station!
IMP Your song 'Blue Train' has just been added to BSL IS EVIL - Lennox & Spencer ~ STOP IT station!
IMP Your song 'Blue Train' has just been added to IN MEMORY OF 'REE' station!
IMP Your song 'Blue Train' has just been added to Our Beloved Boo ~ R.I.P. station!
IMP Your song 'Blue Train' has just been added to FREEDOM FOR ALL HORSES station!
IMP Your song 'Blue Train' has just been added to RAM Publishing~BlueStar station!
IMP Your song 'Blue Train' has just been added to RED LIST-EXTINCT & ENDANGERED station!
IMP Your song 'Blue Train' has just been added to The Blues Is A Feeling! station!
IMP Your song 'Blue Train' has just been added to Desperado Back Tracks station!
IMP Your song 'Blue Train' has just been added to Desperado 30 ReBoot station!
IMP Your song 'Blue Train' has just been added to SALLOON station!
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Msg  Go!

For Alfy

May 1st 1991 - January 15th., 2008
Maria Daines

A little friend on tiny feet. One that I was glad to meet
A cheeky face and glowing eyes. A rescue dog, his mother's pride
I knew you'd lived a happy life. Far from early pain and strife
So long ago, at one month old, Moonflower took you into the fold.
She nurtured you with caring hands, including you in all her plans.
You saw the wounded as they came. One by one, lost, stranded, lame - you gave them courage, shared your space. Your toys and food, your quiet place.
You watched them heal with love and care knowing you had once been there
And through it all your days were bright, with kindness, fun and peaceful nights
You felt the warmth of family ties, and knew your trust was recognised.
Days rolled past to golden years - Tonight our smiles turn to tears
For you have journeyed to the rainbow's end,
and over the bridge you will meet old friends.
You will know who needs a gentle paw, for you have been at danger's door.
You know how it feels when the world seems blue because you rescued the lonely too.
A dog in a million, a warrior soul - If only time didn't take its toll.
You will never be forgotten, your heart lives on.
For those you loved, a special bond.
Sleep safe little Alfy, a blessing of joy.
And know that your spirit is with us sweet boy.


Maria Daines ( ) and Paul Killington's song for and named, Jollity Farm have been put together with photos of our animal kids for this special video presentation.


"Of all the creatures, man is the most detestable. Of the entire brood, he's the one that possesses malice. He is the only creature that inflicts pain for sport, knowing it to be pain. The fact that man knows right from wrong proves his intellectual superiority to the other creatures; but the fact that he can do wrong proves his moral inferiority to any creature that cannot."
- Mark Twain -
American Novelist

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Barefoot on a Dirt-Floor
Gyroscope Blues
WHAN Small Town Country Music Station
An Emotional Response
How Blue Can You Go
*****DirgeKs Furry Friends*****
blue moon lite radio
Grand Central Station (Train songs)
AZs Rock & Blues
Bent and Blue (and Sometimes Shattered)
Wickman Mood Station
Stan Williams Station
Maria Daines Bandwagon
Songs to set the clocks to
Musicians For Compassion 3
Bonnie's Animal Favorites II
CVFA's Radio Play
SALOON FM - a Desperado Revue Station
Whisperin Pines
Mighty Fortress Radio (F.Doristil's )
Spirit of Road Home Rescue
Dirt Road Home
Musicians Against The Fur Trade
Far From Fear
IAIA 2007 Golden Kayak Nominees
Maria Daines Bandwagon with seats
Our Beloved Boo ~ R.I.P.
The Blues Is A Feeling!
Save The Mountain Gorillas
BSL IS EVIL - Lennox & Spencer ~ STOP IT
Beach Music
All Flavor
Compassion For ALL Creatures
Dogladies Sounds
RAM Publishing~BlueStar

Station Links
Music United For Animals  
Far From Fear  
Behind The Mask  
Musicians For Compassion  
CORNISH ROCK   Cornwall Rocks !
Dog Trax  
1,000,000 Dog T Shirts  
Dogladies Sounds  
SCARY GUY RADIO   God broke the mould when he put together this wonderful man - who gives his all to help make this planet a better place for all - and to teach the kids - how to accept and to give, LOVE !
blue moon lite radio  
Keeping The Green Alive !!  
Behind The Mask  
Music United For Animals  
CVFA's Radio Play  
Stan Williams Station  
In memory of Shambo  
Rescue Me  
BSL IS EVIL - Lennox & Spencer ~ STOP IT   We all agree with Spencer !
BSL IS EVIL - Lennox & Spencer ~ STOP IT  
Bad News Comin Outa Memphis   Rocking Hard for the animals, EXPOSING the TRUTH !
Page Links
Rich Russom and Joe Aloisa  
Maria Daines  
Willie Nelson  
Bard of Ely  
Robert Pollard  
David Pendragon  
Johnny Rodes   We love Johnny and wish him well - :)
Black Cat Bone  
Doc Quinn  
Sophia Ramos  
Sophia Ramos  
Debbie Clemmer  
Earth Songs  
Earth Songs  
Ken Mahren  
The Bulldogs  
The Bulldogs  
Utah Phillips  
Civil Defence  
Joel Kelly  
sergius gregory  
Jayne Sparr  
Maria Daines  
Susan Raven  
Pinedog   So thrilled to be able to link up with Pinedog here and to share his beautiful music with all our friends and supporters :) !
Tom Waits  
Rene Thomas  
Arek Religa  
Marc Ceccotti  
The Small Party  
Rene Thomas  
FLUFFY THE PITBULL   We Hate Your World - Right On - couldn't you just hear them saying it too - what a mess we are down here !
Roy Muniz  
Rachel Fuller  
David Pendragon  
Chris Pollard  
Bard of Ely  
Sheryl Crow  
Tom Waits  
Willie Nelson  
Rachel Fuller  
Susan Raven  
Black Cat Bone  
Gordon Leed  
David Pendragon  
Stan Williams  
Moon Bear Rising  
Kim Powers  
K9 Project  

1/4/2014 7:21:08 PM
Last pageview at: 7/26/2024 10:05:37 PM
Pageviews: 34303

This Is My Life (blog) ....

Chris Pollard