Hugh Hamilton
Tomorrow Never Knows
"'Lost' Beatles track could finally be heard" - Link: http://www.cnn.com/2008/SHOWBIZ/Music/11/16/beatles.mccartney.lost.track/index.html
added to station 11/16/2008 3:36:07 PM

Man...you fellers jammin' without me AGAIN???? Oh yeah. Oh yeah. Oh yeah.
added to station 1/26/2009 5:06:32 AM
Live Performances

Hugh Hamilton
Men of Religion
"Two schoolgirls blinded in acid attack in Afghanistan"..."No one claims responsibility, but network says Taliban suspected"...the girls were walking to school when attacked and "Girls were prohibited from going to school under Taliban regime" - Link: http://www.cnn.com/2008/WORLD/asiapcf/11/12/afghanistan.acid.attack/index.html
added to station 11/13/2008 3:09:51 PM
Folk/Acoustic Rock/Americana

Hugh Hamilton
Some People
"MySpace hoax jury may not hear about suicide" - This is the case of the mother who created a fake male profile to taunt a girl who then committed suicide. "The government is prosecuting Drew under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, which has never before been used in connection with a Web site's terms of service barring misrepresentation by users setting up new accounts." Link: http://www.cnn.com/2008/CRIME/11/10/internet.bullying.trial.ap/index.html
added to station 11/11/2008 6:57:17 PM
Folk/Acoustic Rock/Americana

THE TRUTH feat Leo
"WW II vet held in Nazi slave camp breaks silence: 'Let it be known'" - After decades of silence an ex POW comes clean with the truth. Good for him, it's about time. Link: http://www.cnn.com/2008/LIVING/11/11/acevedo.pow/index.html
added to station 11/11/2008 4:43:18 PM

Sally Strawberry
Come back to bed
Republican Gov. of California marries member of Democratic Kennedy Clan...and here's the post-election headline: "Calif. governor says he's allowed 'back into the bedroom'" - he also says the missus is "gloating" over the election (bwahahaha) - Link: http://politicalticker.blogs.cnn.com/2008/11/10/calif-governor-says-hes-allowed-back-into-the-bedroom/
added to station 11/10/2008 4:25:00 PM

NEWS FLASH - New tune from Eaglehead...I especially dig those axes...ooh, tight drums...I feel like I'm back in the summer of love with this one, Fellers...nice...!
added to station 11/10/2008 4:07:49 PM
Classic Rock

I'm Just A Guitar Strumming Hack
I'm just a guitar strumming hack, too...but there are other kinds of hackers out there: "Obama, McCain campaigns' computers hacked for policy data" - Link: http://www.cnn.com/2008/TECH/11/06/campaign.computers.hacked/index.html
added to station 11/7/2008 7:38:32 PM

this is just a test but it feels like an exam
"Will Obama Let bin Laden's Driver Go Free?"..."How Obama handles Hamdan's case will be one of the first tests of the next president's attitude toward detention policy and could presage just how much he will break from the past practices of Bush administration." Link: http://abcnews.go.com/Blotter/story?id=6192889&page=1
added to station 11/6/2008 3:14:12 PM
Electronic Pop

"Post-Election Depression: How to Cope"..."It's over. Nov. 5 has come, and no matter whom you were rooting for, many political animals say the day after an election can bring on a special sort of blues. The bored kind." Link: http://abcnews.go.com/Health/Politics/story?id=6181655&page=1
added to station 11/6/2008 3:18:49 PM
Alternative Retro and Psychedelic

"Finally, a Thin President" - Humorous Op-Ed, Link: http://www.nytimes.com/2008/11/06/opinion/06whitehead.html?_r=1&ei=5070&emc=eta1&oref=slogin
added to station 11/6/2008 7:48:42 PM
Indie Rock

Unfaithfully Yours
"Google Inc. and Yahoo Inc. have scrapped their Internet advertising partnership, abandoning attempts to overcome the objections of antitrust regulators and customers who believed the alliance would give Google too much power over online commerce." Link: http://money.cnn.com/2008/11/05/technology/google_yahoo.ap/index.htm?postversion=2008110510
added to station 11/6/2008 3:06:42 PM

goodbye and farewell
"'Jurassic Park' author, 'ER' creator Crichton dies" - on the same day as the story about Japanese scientists wanting to clone an extinct wooly mammoth. After they read Shelly's book they ought to read Mr. Crichton's. Link: http://www.cnn.com/2008/SHOWBIZ/books/11/05/obit.crichton/index.html
added to station 11/6/2008 2:46:10 PM
Alternative Pop Rock

"Scientists hope to clone extinct species" - these folks should read "Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus" again. Link: http://www.cnn.com/2008/TECH/science/11/04/japan.mouse.clone/index.html
added to station 11/6/2008 2:40:39 PM

The Garbageman
"Teen crushed in Wisconsin garbage truck survives"...14-yr old feller ran away, hid in a recycle bin and was emptied into a truck where he was crushed repeatedly...but lived to tell about it...link: http://www.cnn.com/2008/US/11/05/teen.compacted.ap/index.html
added to station 11/5/2008 6:51:04 PM

The New Cities
Dead End, Countdown
"Minnesota Senate challenger Al Franken is not conceding his race against incumbent GOP Sen. Norm Coleman." I've often related to Franken's obvious frustration over the years - it will be interesting to see how he does if he wins this insanely close election. Link: http://politicalticker.blogs.cnn.com/2008/11/05/franken-not-conceding/
added to station 11/5/2008 4:49:53 PM

Mark Wirtz
No Love For The Loser
added to station 11/5/2008 5:00:26 PM

Everybody Loves a Loser
It's the winners getting all the love today...
added to station 11/5/2008 5:03:37 PM

Steve April
It's a bit early but the writing's on the wall...[Later Edit: It's official now - CONGRATULATIONS to the Obama supporters - I've got my fingers crossed that you've judged the man correctly...]
added to station 11/5/2008 3:36:08 AM
Alternative Indie Folk

The Fontaines
Promises of paradise
"Commentary: Will Obama be able to deliver on his promises?" Link: http://www.cnn.com/2008/POLITICS/11/04/zelizer.new.president/index.html
added to station 11/5/2008 4:35:52 PM
Folk/Acoustic Rock/Americana

Helmut Licht
I couldn't bring myself to vote this time around.
added to station 11/5/2008 3:26:39 PM

The Gorgonzolas
The Jerk
"It's No Joke: Fed Hires Failed Bank Executive"..."Michael Alix was head of risk management for Bear Stearns for two years until the institution imploded this spring, a victim of its (risky) subprime-mortgage related investments.
Last Friday, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York quietly announced it had hired Alix to advise it on bank supervision." Link - http://abcnews.go.com/Blotter/WallStreet/story?id=6180235&page=1
added to station 11/4/2008 8:23:19 PM

The Effects
Fake It, Till You Make It
"Iran's parliament impeached a Cabinet minister on Tuesday after he admitted having a fake degree from Oxford University, in a vote widely seen as a defeat for hard-line President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad." Link - http://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory?id=6176297
added to station 11/4/2008 8:20:04 PM

Political bullshit
"Arsenic killed Chinese emperor, reports say" - Link: http://www.cnn.com/2008/WORLD/asiapcf/11/04/china.emperor/index.html?iref=24hours
added to station 11/4/2008 7:21:08 PM

Stereo Total
I am Naked
"BMW heiress 'blackmailed for millions'"..."Germany's richest woman has said a former lover has threatened to release pictures of them together if she does not pay him millions of euros (dollars), according to her spokesman." Link: http://www.cnn.com/2008/WORLD/europe/11/04/germany.bmw.heiress.blackmail/index.html?iref=24hours
added to station 11/4/2008 7:07:59 PM

John Pippus
Blurry Photograph
"Keanu Reeves doesn't owe photog anything"..."Photographer claimed Reeves struck him with Porsche in 2007...Jury decided Reeves was not at fault" - Link - http://www.cnn.com/2008/CRIME/11/03/people.keanu.reevese.ap/index.html?iref=24hours
added to station 11/4/2008 7:16:42 PM
Folk/Acoustic Rock/Americana

Hugh Hamilton
Some People
"#@*!!! Anonymous anger rampant on Internet" - Link - http://www.cnn.com/2008/TECH/11/03/angry.internet/index.html
added to station 11/3/2008 6:24:35 PM
Folk/Acoustic Rock/Americana

Liar Liar
"Stevens juror: I lied about dad, went to horse race" - Link: http://www.cnn.com/2008/CRIME/11/03/stevens.trial.juror.ap/index.html
added to station 11/3/2008 6:28:30 PM
Alternative Pop Rock

Literal Form of Violence
"Violent video games linked to child aggression" - Link: http://www.cnn.com/2008/HEALTH/family/11/03/healthmag.violent.video.kids/index.html
added to station 11/3/2008 7:22:17 PM
Modern Rock

Eric Chandler
Lost and Found
"A lost painting by Italian master Sebastiano Ricci has turned up in Texas after a 300-year journey that has seen it change hands from a European nobleman playboy to a Missouri fur trader and finally to generations of an American family." It's expected to fetch at least $600k at auction. Link - http://www.cnn.com/2008/US/11/03/us.art.ap/index.html
added to station 11/3/2008 7:01:03 PM
Folk/Acoustic Rock/Americana

Steve April
In Luv With My Therapist (collabro Steve Ison)
It's Election Week, and lots of folks should read this (lol): "How to keep anger from bubbling over" - Link: http://www.cnn.com/2008/HEALTH/11/03/hm.anger.management/index.html
added to station 11/3/2008 6:00:55 PM
Alternative Retro and Psychedelic

Alberto Martinez
Tomatoes in love
Senor Alberto Martinez has found that tomatoes have the capacity for love. I think I'll need to see the data before I weigh in. No link, but have a listen...
added to station 11/2/2008 4:31:15 PM
Alternative Pop Rock

Lex Zaleta
Sunglasses and a Smile
"North Korea has released a photograph of a smiling Kim Jong Il, the latest in an apparent attempt to dispel rumors that the reclusive leader is gravely ill...The anchorwoman said the photo was taken at a game between two army teams. It shows Kim in dark sunglasses and a dark jacket." Link: http://www.cnn.com/2008/WORLD/asiapcf/11/02/korea.kim.photo/index.html
added to station 11/2/2008 8:08:58 PM

Widespread Panic
Boom Boom Boom
"Townsfolk destroy Palin effigy with explosives" - Those whacky Brits..."The caricature of the Alaskan governor was flanked by a smaller effigy of Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama, wearing a military-style helmet." Link: http://www.cnn.com/2008/POLITICS/11/02/palin.effigy.burn/index.html
added to station 11/2/2008 1:45:53 PM
Folk/Acoustic Rock/Americana

Starlight Mints
"Police Issue Citations During 'Naked Pumpkin Run'"...Those whacky Coloradans...Link: http://www.thedenverchannel.com/news/17865291/detail.html#-
added to station 11/2/2008 1:56:51 PM
Alternative Retro and Psychedelic

Jona's Blues Band
I was born
"Obama's Birth Certificate Verified By Hawaii Officials" - Link: http://www.thedenverchannel.com/politics/17866037/detail.html
added to station 11/2/2008 1:53:38 PM
acoustic slide blues

The Frauds
I Don't Wanna Know
"Campaign: Obama didn't know aunt's immigration status" Link: http://www.cnn.com/2008/POLITICS/11/01/obama.aunt/index.html
added to station 11/1/2008 11:33:10 PM
indie rock

In My Lap
"Companies recall 100,000 laptop battery packs" Link: http://www.cnn.com/2008/TECH/ptech/10/31/sony.laptop.recall.ap/index.html
added to station 11/1/2008 1:49:16 AM
Hip Hop/Rap

The Grip Weeds
"Bowler collapses and dies after rolling 300 game"..."'You get nervous shooting a 300,' says teammate Todd Place. 'The pressure keeps building,' says bowling alley owner Jim Nutt." Link: http://www.wzzm13.com/news/news_story.aspx?storyid=100829&catid=14
added to station 10/31/2008 7:24:10 PM

Mutilated Soul
"U.N. says Colombian military executing civilians"..."Since 2000, Colombia has received about $5 billion in mostly military aid from the United States to fight drugs and the guerrilla war." Link: http://www.cnn.com/2008/WORLD/americas/11/01/colombia.UN/index.html
added to station 11/1/2008 11:53:18 PM
Death Metal

Sam Mellon
Giving Me the Drugs
"Seven members of the Mexican military were found inside the United States on Friday, telling border agents they had become disoriented while on patrol and accidentally crossed into the country, the U.S. Customs and Border Patrol said...'This is not an uncommon occurrence,' Rep. Tom Tancredo, R-Colorado, told CNN. 'Often times, it is the result of the Mexican military providing cover essentially for drug transportation across into our country, and/or creating a diversion so it will draw our people away from the place where the drugs are coming across.'" Link: http://www.cnn.com/2008/WORLD/americas/11/01/mexico.border/index.html
added to station 11/1/2008 11:39:27 PM
Guitar Rock

Kristen McNeilly
Idiot's Guide
"Two men have been arrested in connection with an effigy of Sen. Barack Obama that was hung outside a building at the University of Kentucky in Lexington, police said Thursday." Link: http://www.cnn.com/2008/CRIME/10/30/obama.effigy/index.html?iref=mpstoryview
added to station 10/31/2008 3:00:30 PM
Alternative Pop Rock

Terry Shaw 3
Driving the Sex machine
"2 Blue Angels grounded for inappropriate relationship" - Link: http://www.cnn.com/2008/US/10/31/blue.angels.ap/index.html
added to station 10/31/2008 2:54:53 PM

He Loves His Harley More Then Me
"Marine motorcycle deaths top their Iraq combat fatalities" - Link: http://www.cnn.com/2008/US/10/30/marine.motorcycles/index.html
added to station 10/31/2008 3:13:25 PM

Irish banjo solo Roddy macauley
"The first day of testimony in Phil Spector's murder retrial was canceled Thursday after an alternate juror fell in the court parking lot and broke his foot." Link: http://www.cnn.com/2008/CRIME/10/31/phil.spector.trial.ap/index.html
added to station 10/31/2008 4:25:07 PM
Live Performances

Jazmin Sky
Wake Up Smell the Coffee
"Ethiopians claim they hate condoms because the smell of latex sickens them. To combat the odor, DKT International, a United Sates nonprofit, created coffee condoms. These dark brown condoms allegedly (I'm not testing the products) taste and smell like the favorite coffee of Ethiopia the macchiato, an espresso with cream and sugar." This and other creative (if dubious) ideas to promote condom use can be found here: http://www.cnn.com/2008/LIVING/personal/10/31/mf.safe.sex/index.html
added to station 10/31/2008 3:53:28 PM

Musical Connections
I've Had No Sleep
Mr. Ison and his friends should get more sleep: "Extra sleep helps the heart, researchers say" - Link: http://www.cnn.com/2008/HEALTH/conditions/10/30/moh.extrahour.ap/index.html
added to station 10/31/2008 3:20:56 PM
Alternative Retro and Psychedelic

Heck General
"Retired general accepts plea agreement in sex case" - Sumbitch was hauled out of retirement to be court martialed. Link: http://www.cnn.com/US/9903/16/army.hale.02/index.html?iref=newssearch
added to station 10/30/2008 11:25:17 PM
Folk/Acoustic Rock/Americana

Heck General
"Sexual harassment exists throughout the U.S. Army, crossing boundaries of gender, rank and race. That was the conclusion of two separate investigations." Link: http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/military/july-dec97/harassment_9-11.html
added to station 10/30/2008 11:22:11 PM
Folk/Acoustic Rock/Americana

Heck General
There should be an entire station with this song and appropriate news. "The U.S. Army is reviewing the way it notifies families that a relative has been killed in Iraq or Afghanistan. The changes follow complaints from families who say they haven't always been told the whole story and in some cases, were given a false version of events." Link: http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=5711548
added to station 10/31/2008 2:04:22 PM
Folk/Acoustic Rock/Americana

Derek Evans
"BBC's top star loses $2.4m in phonecall row" - Link: http://www.cnn.com/2008/SHOWBIZ/TV/10/31/bbc.stars.row.radio/index.html
added to station 10/31/2008 2:09:55 PM
indie alternative

Medicine Man
"Is your doctor prescribing a placebo?" Link: http://www.cnn.com/2008/HEALTH/10/30/ep.doctors.prescribe.placebos/index.html
added to station 10/30/2008 3:47:44 PM
Alternative Retro and Psychedelic

Helmut Licht
I've got to vote
I can't make this song play, but please read the lyrics. I want to hear it!!!
added to station 10/30/2008 11:12:01 PM

Bat Lenny
Shadowland Part4: Another Wrench in the Machine
"Voting machines could bring Election Day glitches" Link: http://www.cnn.com/2008/TECH/10/30/voting.machines/index.html
added to station 10/30/2008 11:18:05 PM
Classic and Progressive Rock

Littleton Jones
Been Diggin'
"An Israeli archeologist has discovered what he says is the earliest-known Hebrew text, found on a shard of pottery that dates to the time of King David from the Old Testament, about 3,000 years ago." Link: http://cnnwire.blogs.cnn.com/2008/10/30/archaeologist-finds-ancient-hebrew-text/
added to station 10/30/2008 3:50:38 PM
Folk Rock

Rule 11
Blow Blow Thou Winter Wind
"I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky." Does ANY politician tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth? I kinda doubt it. Link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lewinsky_scandal
added to station 10/29/2008 11:28:49 PM

Fade to Black
Which Way the Wind Blows (studio mix)
Which Way the Wind Blows. It's hard to tell, and it shifts by the moment. It will be interesting to see the prevailing direction, and it won't be long until we do...
added to station 10/29/2008 11:22:29 PM
Alternative Pop Rock

I Like Money
"The Federal Reserve cut a key short-term interest rate by a half-percentage point Wednesday and expressed continued worries about the damage being done to the economy by the ongoing crisis in the financial and credit markets. The rate cut put the central bank's federal funds rate at 1%." Link: http://money.cnn.com/2008/10/29/news/economy/fed_move/index.htm
added to station 10/29/2008 6:30:10 PM
Alternative Pop Rock

Fish or god
"The already-contentious North Carolina Senate race took a brutal turn Wednesday after incumbent Sen. Elizabeth Dole released a television ad suggesting challenger Kay Hagan is 'Godless.'" Link: http://politicalticker.blogs.cnn.com/2008/10/29/doles-godless-ad-causes-stir/
added to station 10/29/2008 5:54:17 PM
Folk/Acoustic Rock/Americana

Mates of State
Fraud in the 80s
"On Wednesday, opening statements got under way for the square-jawed, three-time sheriff charged in a federal public corruption case. He is charged with conspiracy, mail fraud and witness tampering. Carona, 53, has vigorously denied the charges. Also charged are his alleged mistress, who has pleaded not guilty to conspiracy, mail fraud and bankruptcy fraud; and his wife, who has pleaded not guilty to a single count of conspiracy." Link: http://www.cnn.com/2008/CRIME/10/29/sheriff.indictment.ap/index.html
added to station 10/29/2008 6:19:53 PM
Alternative Modern Rock

John Myles
Money to Burn
"Campbell Brown: Obama pledged to accept public financing last year. But, she says, he switched when he realized he could earn more on his own. He's rolling in dough earned on a broken promise, Brown says." Link: http://www.cnn.com/2008/POLITICS/10/28/campbell.brown.obama/index.html
added to station 10/29/2008 1:41:38 PM
Folk/Acoustic Rock/Americana

Steve Ison
Identity Thief
"Microsoft 'hacking' computers in China?" - Link: http://scitech.blogs.cnn.com/2008/10/28/microsoft-hacking-computers-in-china/
added to station 10/28/2008 11:59:37 PM
Alternative Retro and Psychedelic

Susie Boehm
"Warden's wife, killer lived as couple, witness says" - Link: http://www.cnn.com/2008/CRIME/10/28/warden.wife.prisoner.escape.ap/index.html
added to station 10/28/2008 11:36:55 PM
Folk/Acoustic Rock/Americana

Drop - Free Agent
Oops, My Bad
"Teen shot over vandalized McCain sign, police say" - Link: http://www.cnn.com/2008/CRIME/10/28/yard.sign.shooting/index.html
added to station 10/28/2008 11:47:44 PM
Hip Hop/Rap

Letter of Resignation
"Gov. Sarah Palin says Stevens should do 'statesman-like thing' and resign" - we're pleasantly surprised to hear that statement from a person who is in complete denial about her own un-statesman-like behavior (re: ex-brother-in-law). Link: http://www.cnn.com/2008/POLITICS/10/28/stevens.verdict/index.html?iref=newssearch
added to station 10/28/2008 11:27:08 PM
alternative folk pop

Hugh Hamilton
Tell Me
"Calling him 'arrogant and defiant,' a Wayne County Circuit Judge on Tuesday sentenced former Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick to four months in jail with no early release under the terms of a plea deal." Link: http://www.cnn.com/2008/CRIME/10/28/detroit.mayor.sentenced/index.html
added to station 10/28/2008 10:48:02 PM
Alternative Pop Rock

Foy Vance
Indiscriminate Act of Kindness
"'Good Samaritan' saves crying woman's foreclosed home" - Link: http://www.cnn.com/2008/LIVING/wayoflife/10/28/foreclosed.home/index.html
added to station 10/28/2008 6:23:53 PM
Acoustic Soul

Ben Elliot
Take The Gold
"Researchers may have found King Solomon's mines" - Link: http://www.cnn.com/2008/WORLD/meast/10/28/solomon.mines/index.html
added to station 10/28/2008 1:32:14 PM
Alternative Pop Rock

Civil Defence
Take The Guns
"An 8-year-old boy died after accidentally shooting himself in the head while firing an Uzi submachine gun under adult supervision at a gun fair." Link: http://www.cnn.com/2008/US/10/27/boy.shoots.himself.ap/index.html
added to station 10/27/2008 9:26:55 PM

Ken Clinger
Little Red Riding Hood
"Wearing red may boost your sex appeal" - Link: http://www.cnn.com/2008/HEALTH/10/28/red.sex.appeal/index.html
added to station 10/28/2008 11:22:30 PM
psychedelic pop

Timster and his Planetary Band
Flesh Eating Bacteria Blues
"NFL stars no match for bacteria" - Link: http://www.cnn.com/2008/HEALTH/conditions/10/28/staph.football/index.html
added to station 10/28/2008 6:32:47 PM

Psyche's Muse
The DEVIL "Hymn"/Self
"Follower: Evangelist Alamo had 9-year-old bride" Link: http://www.cnn.com/2008/CRIME/10/22/childporn.alamo.search.ap/index.html#cnnSTCText
added to station 10/26/2008 5:37:21 PM

Richard Scotti
A new John Lennon biography by Philip Norman receives an excellent review: http://www.ew.com/ew/article/0,,20234987,00.html?cnn=yes
added to station 10/23/2008 4:34:42 PM
60's Rock

The Populars
Good News
"Researchers in Britain say they have found that a drug used to treat leukemia can halt and even reverse the debilitating effects of multiple sclerosis (MS)." Link: http://www.cnn.com/2008/HEALTH/10/23/ms.treatment/index.html
added to station 10/23/2008 4:50:03 PM
Alternative Pop Rock

Hugh Hamilton
Men of Religion
It seems hard to believe that in 2008 there are some places where you can STILL be convicted of blasphemy and sentenced to death simply for asking questions in a classroom. If you're lucky you'll get the sentence overturned and spend decades imprisoned instead: "An Afghan appeals court overturned a death sentence Tuesday for a journalism student accused of blasphemy for asking questions in class about women's rights under Islam. But the judges still sentenced him to 20 years in prison." This is the real deal, people. Link: http://www.cnn.com/2008/WORLD/asiapcf/10/21/afghan.journalist.trial.ap/index.html
added to station 10/22/2008 1:58:21 AM
Folk/Acoustic Rock/Americana

The Monotonics
Sick Days
The DJ has a mysterious illness...catch yuz on the rebound...
added to station 10/21/2008 12:56:06 PM

the kozy king
Finally Cool
News Flash: "James Taylor: 'I never did feel like I was the cool one'"...I know what he means - James is so aggressively uncool, he's cool. Lately he's been looking like a Boston Banker taking the stage. Somehow...that's cool. Of course the coolest thing is just being true to yourself. Link: http://www.cnn.com/2008/SHOWBIZ/Music/10/21/james.taylor/index.html
added to station 10/21/2008 1:03:21 PM
Alternative Pop Rock

Bloody Murder
"Female aid worker fatally shot from a motorbike on way to work in Kabul...Taliban claim responsibility, say woman killed for preaching Christianity". Link: http://www.cnn.com/2008/WORLD/asiapcf/10/20/afghanistan.violence/index.html
added to station 10/20/2008 5:47:32 PM
Hard Rock

Alberto Martinez
The lust of the flesh
CHRIS EAGLEHEAD is hereby promoted to Honorary Station Master for sending this story in from the BBC and he's in grave danger of having me hand the whole station over to his care: "A chef who stabbed his lover to death before cutting flesh off his thigh and cooking and eating it has been jailed. Anthony Morley, 36, the first winner of Mr Gay UK, was told he would serve a minimum of 30 years in prison for the murder of 33-year-old Damian Oldfield." Link: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/west_yorkshire/7679695.stm
added to station 10/20/2008 5:24:16 PM

Lost Potential
Lost In A Forest
"A 27-year-old Oregon climber who survived five days on southern Washington's Mount Adams with a broken ankle told rescuers he ate centipedes and drank water from creeks as he tried to crawl to safety." Link: http://www.cnn.com/2008/US/10/18/missing.climber.ap/index.html
added to station 10/19/2008 7:11:55 PM

Steve April
"A small NASA spacecraft embarks on a two-year mission this weekend to give scientists their first view of the happenings at the edge of the solar system." This $165 million mission concerns the heliosphere, not alien life forms. Still, I'm in the mood to listen to Mr. April. Link: http://www.cnn.com/2008/TECH/space/10/17/solar.mission.ap/index.html
added to station 10/18/2008 4:51:11 PM
Alternative Retro and Psychedelic

Dean Ferrell
Murder in the Desert
"Lebanese singer Suzanne Tamim was stabbed to death in her apartment in Dubai in July. A month later, powerful Egyptian real estate mogul and lawmaker Hisham Talaat Moustafa was stripped of his parliamentary immunity and arrested for ordering the murder." She was also decapitated. Talk about doing it all for art. Moustafa has pleaded not guilty. Let's hope justice prevails. Link: http://www.cnn.com/2008/WORLD/meast/10/18/singer.slain.tamim.court.ap/index.html
added to station 10/18/2008 4:46:10 PM

David Hosking
Dead and Buried
Archaeologists uncover a Roman necropolis. Makes one think. And so does this song. Link: http://www.cnn.com/2008/TECH/science/10/17/roman.ruins.ap/index.html
added to station 10/17/2008 9:58:21 PM
indie alternative

A facebook group has been created of people posting their middle names as "Hussein" to ridicule the action by some conservatives of referring to Barack "Hussein" Obama...we may not be brothers and sisters but you can be sure we're all human cousins and we'd better learn to live together or we will not live at all. Link: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=578954001#/group.php?gid=40761076037&ref=mf
added to station 10/17/2008 2:13:10 PM
Hip Hop/Rap

The Man With No Band
When The Last Beatles Gone
RINGO needs some private time (and I for one don't blame him): "In a video posted on his Web site, Starr says he will no longer sign fan mail or memorabilia. 'I want to tell you please... do not send fan mail to any address that you have. Nothing will be signed after the 20th of October. If that is the date on the envelope, it's gonna be tossed. I'm warning you with peace and love I have too much to do. So no more fan mail, thank you, thank you, and no objects to be signed. Nothing,' the 68-year-old said." Link: http://www.cnn.com/2008/SHOWBIZ/10/14/ringo.starr.fan.mail/index.html
added to station 10/14/2008 2:06:22 PM
Folk/Acoustic Rock/Americana

Hugh Hamilton
Headline: "Does drinking alcohol shrink your brain?" Link: http://www.cnn.com/2008/HEALTH/diet.fitness/10/14/healthmag.alcohol.brain.shrinkage/index.html
added to station 10/14/2008 2:14:49 PM
Folk/Acoustic Rock/Americana

Jeffrey Frederick
Robbin' Banks
A theme song for the Bank Executives around the world who have mismanaged their banks while lining their pockets: "The leaders of 15 European nations gathering in Paris at an emergency meeting agreed to a wide-ranging plan to boost bank liquidity and guarantee inter-bank lending, said French President Nicolas Sarkozy." Link: http://money.cnn.com/2008/10/12/news/economy/bush_group_of_seven/index.htm?postversion=2008101211
added to station 10/12/2008 8:05:15 PM
Folk/Acoustic Rock/Americana

The Noisemakers
Fool with Money
Computer game millionaire Richard Garriott is reported to have paid 30 million dollars to be a "space tourist" on a Russian rocket. I sure hope I haven't bought any of his damn computer games. I can think of about 30 million ways he could have put the money to better use. Link: http://www.cnn.com/2008/TECH/space/10/12/space.tourist.ap/index.html
added to station 10/12/2008 3:10:21 PM
Alternative Country

Jamie Sime
Palin is ailin'. "Panel: Palin abused power in trooper case". Link: http://www.cnn.com/2008/POLITICS/10/10/palin.investigation/index.html
added to station 10/11/2008 1:29:23 AM
Alternative Indie Folk

Sexual History
HUGH HEFNER back in the news with an authorized biography..."Among revelations: Hef almost died choking on sex toy"...Uncle Hef! Be careful!! Christmas dinner wouldn't be the same without your stocking stuffers!!! http://www.cnn.com/2008/SHOWBIZ/books/10/10/review.mrplayboy.ap/index.html
added to station 10/10/2008 6:04:41 PM
Alternative Modern Rock

Sex Slave
Actor David Duchovny (actor and...ahem...Princeton University graduate - go, Tigers!) successfully completed his Sex Addiction treatment and is thus out of rehab and presumably back home with his wife and kids. Watch out, Mrs. D! http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/entertainment/7656262.stm
added to station 10/10/2008 6:03:02 PM
Hard Rock

The Greatest Liars
"More than 2,000 voter registration forms filed in northern Indiana's Lake County by a liberal activist group this week have turned out to be bogus, election officials said Thursday. The group the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, or ACORN already faces allegations of filing fraudulent voter registrations in Nevada and faces investigations in other states." A liar is a liar, left, right, or center. It's increasingly difficult to get to the truth. Link: http://www.cnn.com/2008/POLITICS/10/09/acorn.fraud.claims/index.html
added to station 10/10/2008 1:39:19 PM

The Drowners
Perfect Girlfriend
82 year old Hugh Hefner is dumped by 28 year old Holly Madison, seemingly due to the fact that he told her he'd never marry her or have children. Uncle Hef "says he plans to seek out new live-in lovers": http://iacmusic.com/songs.aspx?SongID=27361&ArtistID=32003
added to station 10/9/2008 3:39:58 PM
power pop

Been Caught Stealing Again
Let me get this straight - the government attempts to bailout incompetent, bankrupt companies...executives such as those at AIG figure out ways to siphon off the bailout money for their own personal gain (entirely predictably) in this case spending $440,000 on a weekend long golf-outing and spa retreat...Barack Obama says "those executives should be fired"...that's partly true, but I have a better idea. Let's JAIL those criminals and fire ALL the lesgislators who have failed us absolutely in (a) regulating the companies so that the failure wouldn't become systemic and (b) using our hard-earned tax dollars to bail out companies that were mismanaged and that we do not own. The system is riddled with incompetence and dishonesty at all levels in all sectors and it's starting to PISS ME OFF. Sorry, Sen. Obama, too little too late. All the polliticians are the same, the bailout proves it. Dishonest incompetents in government and business are not only stealing our present financial security, they're stealing from our grandchildren and beyond, and they are perhaps the worst threat our country faces - thieving from within. Link: http://www.cnn.com/2008/POLITICS/10/08/politicians.meltdown.aig.ap/index.html
added to station 10/8/2008 1:15:21 PM

Paul groover
Delicious Malicious feat Anjuli
The NEWS is WAAAAAY BEYOND my ability to make this stuff up. Real headline, I swear: "Skinny dipper invades moat around Japan's Imperial Palace". Aside from swimming, our trespasser exercised by hurling rocks at boatbound police...link to cut and paste: http://www.cnn.com/2008/WORLD/asiapcf/10/07/japan.skinny.dip.ap/index.html
added to station 10/8/2008 2:49:05 AM

Psyche's Muse
Sometimes I ain't sure what the truth is - but I'm fairly certain it is NOT revealed by political debates.
added to station 10/8/2008 3:09:32 AM
70s Rock

Maria Daines
Save Our World
Headline today at CNN: "1 in 4 mammals at risk of extinction, scientists say". Link to story: http://www.cnn.com/2008/TECH/science/10/06/endangered.mammals.ap/index.html
added to station 10/6/2008 1:46:05 PM

Conversation Suicide
Private Hell
From CNN: "O.J. Simpson faces the prospect of spending the rest of his life in prison after he and co-defendant Clarence 'C.J.' Stewart were found guilty on 12 charges, including armed robbery and kidnapping." OJ will now have plenty of opportunity to contemplate his private hell - though he may lack the conscience to do so.
added to station 10/4/2008 6:40:30 PM
Hard Alternative

Hugh Hamilton
Sand Castles (The Hurricane's Coming)
From CNN: "Birds abandon Ike's devastation, leaving silence..." Here's a link to cut and paste: http://www.cnn.com/2008/TECH/science/10/03/ike.no.birds.ap/index.html
added to station 10/4/2008 7:44:33 PM
Folk/Acoustic Rock/Americana

Maria Daines
Too Late
A 90 year old woman shoots herself due to bank foreclosure on her mortgage. CNN headline: "Fannie Mae forgives loan for woman who shot herself". Well, that's a fine idea, but a bit TOO LATE. Link to story: http://www.cnn.com/2008/US/10/03/eviction.suicide.attempt/index.html
added to station 10/4/2008 8:29:29 PM

Cash Cow
Anjuli of crack*a*jack*crow and The Gaslight District brings us the following news story:
"A US woman will spend the next month in prison after chasing terrified children through an Ohio town dressed as a cow. Michele Allen was hired to wear the outfit to promote a local 'haunted trail' theme park in Middletown, but got drunk at work on the Saturday evening and caused chaos, chasing kids and bringing traffic to a halt. She also urinated in a nearby yard during her rampage, police said. Allen refused to calm down once taken to the local police station and according to police was yelling and challenging people to 'suck her udders'."
added to station 10/2/2008 3:53:45 PM

Psyche's Muse
CHRIS EAGLEHEAD sent us a link to the story of a 71 year old grandfather presented with hospital discharge papers informing him that he was pregnant. To quote, "The staff at Curry General Hospital in Gold Beach, Oregon, gave the retired mechanic and logger the happy news this month, along with some pain pills. Hospital administrator William McMillan said an errant keystroke caused the hospital's computer to spit out the wrong discharge instructions for the grandfather." Blaming it on the computer. Hmm.
added to station 9/29/2008 2:38:14 PM
70s Rock

Hot Dog Homer
26 Sept 2008: TRUTH STRANGER THAN FICTION: Three duct-taped hotdogs were left outside a ballpark after a commercial shoot of some sort in Philadelphia, PA, USA. They were feared to be bombs and were thus exploded by a bomb squad, with ACTUAL bombs...if left as they were they simply would have nourished some insects and maybe a pigeon or two...
added to station 9/26/2008 3:56:48 PM
Alternative Retro and Psychedelic

Hugh Hamilton
Men of Religion
The headline dated 24 Nov 2007 reads: "Richard Roberts Resigns as Oral Roberts University President" and the story opens thus, "Embattled Oral Roberts University President Richard Roberts resigned Friday following nearly two months of allegations that he and his family misused university and ministry resources." Don't say Hugo didn't warn you - this song was written months before that...
added to station 9/26/2008 4:07:26 PM
Folk/Acoustic Rock/Americana

Hugh Hamilton
Sand Castles (The Hurricane's Coming)
HURRICANES are regular events, and they WILL devastate entire cities, counties, states and regions. It ain't a matter of IF, it's a matter of WHEN. We don't need a news story for this, just ask the folks in New Orleans and Galveston.
added to station 9/26/2008 4:15:32 PM
Folk/Acoustic Rock/Americana

Eric Lichter
Speaks for itself.
added to station 9/26/2008 4:17:47 PM
Folk/Acoustic Rock/Americana

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