
transcender transcenderarts appreciates the inclusion
Hugo Hugo appreciates the effort. Steve, you're a remarkable station manager, and the listening and commenting you do around here is a real act of love that many appreciate, I'm sure. And now that I've (probably) disqualified myself from appearing here, may
Hugo (cont'd) I just add that YOU ROCK!!!!????
H And could you clear this up for that circus ride up there a "Helter Skelter" - or would that be a different ride...? I'm working on the "Hugo's EnglishEnglish-to-AmericanEnglish Dictionery" and really don't know the answer....
Mandi Kennel Hey there!! Thanks for playing Canadian Girl on here!! I love your comment too. I love reading them. Thanks again. Hope your week is great!!!!!
Lonnie Glass would love a placement..i've written 20 stories reflecting The Civil War(American)
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Alternative Retro and Psychedelic

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Psyche Folk   Enchanting,creative acoustic based Gems..
ALtErNaTiVe ReTrO aNd PsYcHeDeLiC   The Greatest songs from the greatest genre ever invented..
The Lounge..   Delightful,charming,eccentric easy listening
Spaceboy   Atmospheric,creative,imaginative alternative pop gems beloved of Spaceboy..
Sunshine Smile..   Charm,prettiness,melody,sunshine,innocence....
Cabaret Noir.......   Torchadelic off broadway brilliance..
1978..   Upbeat,charming, new wave poppin' gems....
Road Movie..   Cool Americana/alt country/folk/blues and adult alternative songs with a sense of SPACE and that certain freeway driving vibe..
Scenes From Palacio   Mysterious spy movie-spooky songs
Velvet Goldmine   Glamtastic songs on IAC-Its 1973 all over again!
Davies Ison And Friends...   LOfi hissy tape Friends of Davies n Ison..
The Stars Are Never Really Distant   Beautiful,mellow easy listening mood songs
Radio Free Europe   Great Artists/songs from anywhere in Europe(except the UK)
Strange Pop   Inventive arty pop/rock songs
STEVE ISONS IAC DIARY....   Inspired music as it hits me on IAC
IAC Songchain..   Songs from the IAC Songchain blog
Lou Reed   Cool songs/artists with a strong Lou'n'Velvets sound and inspiration
Strange Pop   Inventive arty pop/rock songs
Freak Scene..   Beautifully scuzzy garage rock'n'pop..
The Peoples Choice!   The favourite IAC songs of OTHER artists as chosen by IAC Pipeliners n musicians....

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family album  
Tony Rugalo  
The Heavy Blinkers  
The Tonics  
Michael Doris  
Steve Ison  
Tom Archer & The Magicals  
Mirah and Spectratone International  
Kelley Stoltz  
Eugene Makovoz  
Fredrick and The Golden Dawn  
Mandi Kennel  

Page Updated 9/29/2008 9:30:10 PM


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Magical songs picked for the Song-a-day blog i started
A blog started to get more exposure to some of my favourite magical n creative songs on IAC.I pick a different song everyday i love with a little review.Other peoples comments on these songs are added too.If you want to add to the thread,its Here......Thanks for listening:)..Station Owner...Steve Ison
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Eugene Makovoz
You'll Never Guess
22nd Sept 2008...........Classic early 70s ultra-breezy pop with that wonderful summery Todd Rundgren/Raspberries feel with a great Big Star solo..The melody is lovely n joyful and even the way he sings 'Reever' adds to its charm..Its singalong good-time 70s FM california sunshine done from a bedroom in Moscow! (Well actually it was recorded in London-but i prefer the idea of that)...................."You were right, Steve! Love it. And I love even more that the guy's name is Eugene Makovoz; I feel a kinship with him for some reason! ;-) Lovely tune" (HOP ON POP) added to station 9/26/2008 8:32:05 PM
Pop 6141
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Kelley Stoltz
Memory Collector
21st Sept 2008.........Fabulous vibed bangin' piano early 70s style offbeat radiopop song..Its sunny n charming n empathetic..Its really short and sells itself modestly more as a little ditty than a song, with its offhand voicetrumpet solo and ending so suddenly after the brilliant 'Flowin' wild at the county fayre' change-but that only makes me love it more....A bit of a lazy choice this admitedly-as i've promoted it hugely before.Still,i'm sure there's loads here who've never heard it...My favourite bits the very,Ba ba-ba-ba-ba-ba..."Just had MY first listen steve - I have to agree about the "sung trumpet" me a smile...rock on..." (HUGH HAMILTON) added to station 9/22/2008 8:12:51 PM
Alternative Pop Rock 6141
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to mean something (demo)
Sept 18th 2008...Very brave,incredibly personal n moving acoustic song.Intensely sad and isolated..Brilliant vocal performance that i doubt could be bettered if it was given a supa-pro production..The chorus is so powerful and intense when it finally kicks in with those fabulous dramatic orchestral flourishes.If he's done those from a keyboard its incredibly skilful and authentic sounding.I think this is the kind of song most people really won't like-but the few that it touches would REALLY love it.....'All i needed was a shove in the right direction'...................To Mean Something Another great hidden gem Steve.I love it"(RAYMOND PORTER)....................."Interesting choice...rough, raw-edged, not always easy to listen to, but lots of emotion. I wonder if that might be a harmonica at the end, not a violin? As always, thanks for opening my ears to songs I'd never notice"(KURT KURTLEY) added to station 9/21/2008 5:27:53 PM
Alternative 6141
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Open It In May feat. Mlie
Sept 17th 2008......A delightful sunny,charming song-like a mix of Donovan,The Velvet Underground,Jonathan Richman and Belle and Sebastian...Lovely chords,sweet melodies and a great life-affirming fresh vibe..This sounds exactly like the kind of track that could suddenly become a hit if it was exposed on an advert designed to associate their product with feel-good vibes ..Tho maybe in a way its ok it isn't lol ( prob not for Mr Orouni obviously)..Strange no-one's picked up on such a cool song for any stations........"Yes, I like both those tracks. They sound like someone I know. Ahem. I really thought that was YOU, Sir, until I visited the band's external page and heard the French accent. I'm shocked. And stunned"(HUGH HAMILTON) added to station 9/17/2008 9:38:58 PM
Pop 6141
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The Water Song
Sept 16th 2008...About as perfect song as you could possibly get for a late 60s Road Movie from the excellent KR-3..Heat-hazy,dusty,spacious Americana.You can picture the hero waking up in the back of his beat-up car bleary eyed,putting on his shades and driving off into the sun-baked distance just as the brilliant pickin' banjo coda kicks in..Great track................"Banjo...? Did somebody say banjo?" (HUGH HAMILTON) added to station 9/17/2008 8:21:42 AM
Alternative Indie Folk 6141
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Mirah and Spectratone International
Sept 15th 2008....I really love both the songs on their page-Just so distinct,strange and kinda exploring moods and themes you don't normally get in pop songs. This one seemingly concerned with representatives of an advanced civilization from a distant galaxy, distilling their benevolent philosophy to the few who might listen...It has a meditative stillness and a quirkily friendly,slightly detached vibe that does indeed sound uncannily like beautiful strangers disguised in human form, playing cellos at an informal arts-lab happening in a glasshouse.Not that i'd know what that sounded like or anything..Perfect late night listening anyways.. added to station 9/16/2008 8:11:30 AM
Miscellaneous 6141
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Tom Archer & The Magicals
Anna Lee
Sept 14th 2008....An unforgettable 2 minute trip into late 60s heaven..Nature-mystic romantic to the core and and sooo evocative..Wisps of reverby Beach Boys harmonies and mellotron carry the spirit of Anna Lee like a whisper thru the trees, off and up into the great beyond...I love how once it goes into that chorus,it never returns- just imbuing its ghostly incantation with a little more intensity each time..Such a beautiful rich song,with a lovingly crafted homemade production, surely deserving of a few more listens...."Definitely a Brian Wilson-style vocal tune" (HUGH HAMILTON) added to station 9/15/2008 10:03:09 PM
Alternative Retro and Psychedelic 6141
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Michael Doris
Starting all over again
Sept 12th 2008.....Exhuberant,uninhibited 60s feelgood ultra-pop with such a delightful,charming sunshine vibe.His total love for the SPIRIT of the pop song shining in every perfectly symmetrical descending chord progression and cheeky music-box melody line.I really think this works better for being a little rough-round-the-edges and homemade-it just adds to its charm.The little hammond 'chord break' later on in the song is sublime and just makes me smile everytime.. added to station 9/13/2008 7:17:02 AM
Pop 6141
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The Tonics
Elegy For Anne Bancroft
Sept 11th 2008.....Its weird,in my alternate universe i see this as a classic psychefolk song everyone knows and loves -It just sounds like its always been around.Maybe i love it so much because THe Graduate might well be my favourite film of all time-Tucked in amongst all those timeless,melancholic Simon and Garfunkel soundtrack songs,this would fit perfectly on every level,qualitively and atmospherically..What a beautifully elegant title too.. 'ELEGY for Anne Bancroft'-i could love it just for that! The lyrics are so naturally poetic,imaginative and suggestive as well,creating all that space to open up your imagination..DElightful track.........................."Had to add the Anne Bancroft tune. Great choices Steve..."(LACE) added to station 9/11/2008 9:32:42 PM
Alternative Retro and Psychedelic 6141
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Even On a Bad Day
Sept 7th a fabulous gentle song with such a resonant haunting atmosphere..It manages to channel the spirit of a certain late 60s strange melancholic folk feel that i'm so attracted to and one of the vibes i'm working to get closer to in my own songs. Its outsider music-and too subtle and internalised to be a big hit or anything (even if it was pro-produced) but the sad autumnal magic it creates is timeless nevertheless. I particularly love the way it suddenly moves into that little chord shift after 'even on a bad day'.So much natural space..Her voice is so effortlessly beautiful too,with a healing other-worldly quality to it like being visited by an angel..Wonderful track. added to station 9/10/2008 7:27:04 AM
Alternative Retro and Psychedelic 6141
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The Heavy Blinkers
Try Telling That To My Baby
Sept 4th 2008.....Gorgeous easy listening Philly like 70s pop song..Just beautiful,airy and blue sky good day sunshine magical.Uplifting brass lines,ace harmonies and the holy grail of great pop thru the ages from 60s Phil Spector girl groups to T.Rex-A real string section! Woh,if i had access to a real string section i might well turn into a one-man Barry White Orchestra (minus the sub-atomic voice and man-size sex appeal naturally)........................"I really enjoy blogs like these, because they always seem to point me to artists that I haven't heard of. The Heavy Blinkers have an amazing, early 70's sound on this tune, and the video suits it"(SRM 1138) added to station 9/7/2008 6:47:07 PM
Pop 6141
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Tony Rugalo
What I Wouldn't Do
Sept 3rd 2008....This sounds to me like an old jazzysoul standard from about 1960.So beautifully written and performed(those harmonies!) and done with so much obvious love and affection.Just picked out of the air Cole Porter or something..Timeless...Like alot of late 50s/early 60s songs it has that reverby strange atmosphere and such a lovely innocent quality.Even the slightly lofi sound fits it like a glove and lends it that sepia-tinted glow of crackled authenticity..Wonderful track........................"this Tony Rugalo tune is quite excellent! Very Beatles, via Daniel Johnston, with more polished production (yeah, MORE polished) than Danny and more polished performances. Great stuff! I'm adding it to my station as I type"(HOP ON POP) added to station 9/7/2008 6:45:15 PM
Lounge Jazz 6141
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Steve Ison
I Know A Good Thing
added to station 9/16/2008 9:06:24 PM
Alternative Retro and Psychedelic 6141
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