
SILVERWOODSTUDIO Steve-ewe are a good friend and muso-love the Fly Girl who is she???
Loren Thanks for adding me! :)
kozy Thanks Steve. Always a treat to find a new add while making the "good morning" coffee
veenatai My tracks are outside.
VELULA We´re glad to be here among so many great artists =)
Susan Taps at the window - Hello
Marc Million thanks for playing "Unexcpected meeting on Encelade" here on this great station !
Steve Ison Thanks for adding Step BY Step here :)
DirgeK Like the photo, thanks for the add
reverse We are a bunch of muscular, naked, sweating men who are flexing our muscles just out of shot of the above window. We flash winning smiles at each other and coyly cup our genitals with a sweating, muscular, veiny hand!
Nigels Thankyou, I love the view, all good things to you
Mandi Kennel Thanks for playing Start again! Hope all is welll!!!
veenatai Please try "tabla baat". Peace
kingsbury english thank you for adding our music!
Hugo Outside my a tree...
Dick Outside my a hooker...
Chris Mahon Hey, thank you so much for adding When The Rain Comes Down to your station! And thanks also for the kind words. Catch you soon. Chris
Marc Hello ! New track here, have a listen !Thanks !!!
Mike Adams 1 Thanks so much for posting "Ghost of O'Keefe 2"
I still remember Thought you might like the ambient quality and groove
Tom O'Brien I'm so glad you liked "After a Rain." Thanks for your kind comments!
Vincenzo Thank you for including knock Knock..I am truly grateful...Vincenzo
accordionJeanLuc Thanks alot Steve ! All the best
John Myles Honored and grateful to be here, thanx, JM
Texas Willie Hi Steve....Thanks for including 2 of my songs here....I don't think I thanked you for "Little Boy" BAD. It is truly an honor to be here! Thank you so very much!
Chandramoon Hey you've got some great tracks here!
Tom O'Brien It's always a great compliment to be mentioned even in the same breath as The Beatles! Glad you liked "No Song Unsung." Thanks for adding it to your fine station.
atom moon Thanks for the add, honored to be here!
Sylvia Bagge/Ardas Kaur Appreciate a chance.
Marc Ceccotti Grateful to be here with "and the angels will come back", thank you so much !
Nacho Valenciaga Thanks Steve!! You're very kind to me.
Zosia just uploaded I Will to my profile. please drop by and give a listen! thank you so much! Zo
Gary Thanks for adding "Under The Radar" amongst so many great artists and songs!
Duane Wow! Thanks for the add and the great spot!
William Brooks I'm thrilled to be here!
Jim Pharis Nice eclectic mix! Please check the tunes on my page.
Neil w Young Thank you, Steve, for adding "I Don't Wanna Lose You", and for your glowing review. You know where most of the song came from ... I just tweaked the lyrics and did the lead vocals after the band added the rocket fuel .. a real fun tune. Neil
Lars Mars Many thanks Steve. Actually that's Russ Marth on the lead guitar. Jeff Lorello wrote and sang it.
Holworks Thank you for listening to, liking, and adding my song Look at What I Found to your Outside the Window Station. Mark
Neil w Young On behalf of Mary Jo Bailey Lyell and Ray Lyell, many thanks, Steve, for adding our song, "There Won't Be Any Arizona" ... Neil
Neil w Young Platinum artist John Wozniak who contributed to the editing and mixing of the song, and loved the song, asked me, "Neil, what's the song about? Like, maybe there could've been a honeymoon?" I replied, "Yeah, John ... in Arizona."
Lars Mars Thank you again Steve. Another song with Russ playing lead guitar.
Larree Thanks for the add and the great review. Much appreciated!
Paul groover never been called arch-mystereroso-atmosphere before thank you. Very Unique i will remeber that one
Dana Clancy thanks much for the play and opining!
Clyde Lucas Bobbi was the love of my life . We wnet through life together singing and perfroming for 49 years. Thank you for the heart felt words Outside The Windows
Jambrains Thanks for the add and for the kind words
Larree Thank you so much, Steve. Your love and support for indie music is golden, brother.
The Rhythm Kings Thank you for the addition and the Kind words!
Larree Much thanks from Russ and me for the add. Glad you are diggin' Probably Never Always Will!
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Folk/Acoustic Rock/Americana
Easy Listening/Soft Rock

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We Sang In The Summer  
Calling All Angels  
Slow Commotion  
The New Golden Age of Internet Radio  
The Explorers  
Willie and the Poor Boys  
Cup'A Coffee (Expresso)  

Page Links
Chris Mahon  
Atom Moon  
dana clancy  
Brandon LaSpada  
Danny DeFonza  
Typhoon Bob and Big Dog MaHound  
Out Of Bodies  

Page Updated 9/5/2024 6:07:09 AM

selections by Steve April


Outside the Window
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Spin Our Own Real
This track is colorful, and thoughtful, the music's expressive, with a toucha strings and charmin' percussive, I thought of David Gilmore a bit here & there, and also Crosby, Stills and Nash a bit, charmin' vocals, poetic lyrics, kudos... added to station 9/5/2024 6:07:09 AM
Easy Listening/Soft Rock 5818
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Probably Never Always Will
Gotta love the tasteful production values that provide a rockin' rhythm, and a platform for the happenin' lyrics/story told with savvy and good humor, the guitar riffage recalls a jumpin' jerry Garcia vibe, like vintage wine, kudos... added to station 4/6/2024 11:10:28 PM
Indie Rock 5818
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Steve White
I Don't Know Why
Steve's got a mellow vibe, and s-m-o-o-t-h delivery, charmin' vocal, touchin' on calm and storied stormy weather, expansive musicality, kudos... added to station 2/19/2022 5:36:30 AM
Acoustic Folk Blues 5818
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Bryon Tosoff
Drifting with you
Sumptuous sonics, with Bryon tickling the ivories, got a relax-and-float-downstream vibe, sailing boats, a harbor drinking in the sunshine, also a cello perhaps, or neat synth sound anyway, to round out the sonics, a pleasure, kudos... added to station 4/27/2023 2:59:54 AM
Ensembles 5818
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a toucha carribean percussive jangle, a easy listenin' vibe, youthful and pleasin' song, "celebrate/she seems so happy with me/just love her to death/romance...' intriguin' and inviting, charmin' musicality, 'a wonderful girl,' kudos... added to station 12/11/2021 9:47:41 PM
Alternative 5818
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such a catchy, soulful groove , the rhythms are joyful and easy-goin ', and dance floor magnetizin', and there's a jazz element, when the sax comes in, the icing on the cake, just a fantastic 2nd half, w the sonic fx, and giuitar/synth, takes off into a new energy and dimension, w the falsettos, kudos...(among my fav songs on the site) added to station 10/28/2021 8:48:13 PM
Disco House 5818
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Bryon Tosoff
happenin' sounds , a sonic tapestry w rockin' fuzz-y guitar riffage, rollicking keys, kinda a Santana vibe overall, a charmin' flute also, fun listen, painting pix with sound, kudos... added to station 8/30/2021 7:55:12 PM
Jazz Rock Fusion 5818
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The Rhythm Kings
Different Kinda Crazy
a rockin' song, kinda catches a conversational vein, the guitar sounds grand, top notch production values imhv, like the tone on the EG, well-played there, a toucha tom jones vocal quite good, the lyrics are entertainin', riffin' on different kinds of "crazy," kudos... added to station 7/3/2021 12:23:07 AM
Americana 5818
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Shawn Adam Williams
Leave Me With No Choice
whoa Shawn, a dynamite openin' (horn) chord progression, recalls the Rolling Stones a bit mayhaps, and morphs into a bluesy rocker, w mucho emotion, a la muddy waters maybe, like the raw energy, quite a performance, man, outstanding' vocal, rockin' kudos... added to station 6/10/2021 10:45:26 PM
Blues Rock 5818
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After The Storm
Charmin' track, the female vocals add atmosphere to an evocative instrumental, tastefully performed, feat. a swirly chord progression that seems to catch the tail of a departing storm, kudos... added to station 1/10/2024 12:28:03 AM
Alternative Modern Rock 5818
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Clyde Lucas
For Bobbi
touchin' tribute to a loved one, who's gone into the Great Beyond, brief and sweet, a vintage piece, that says a great amount in about a minute or so, much heart here, and patience, and good faith, kudos... added to station 5/3/2021 7:59:16 PM
Folk/Acoustic Rock/Americana 5818
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dana clancy
Comin' 'Round Again
charmin' vocal, broad sympathies, kinda subterranean, on a sleepy morning breeze, a toucha leo kotke in the guitar stylings, neat touches with the acoustic , cheers... added to station 12/24/2020 11:40:43 PM
Easy Listening/Soft Rock 5818
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Solid Ground
a well-composed song, w a catchy chorus "on solid ground/solid ground," a strong vocal, and stellar production, rollin' drums, pumpin' bass, neat keys (or synth), back to the chorus, good storytellin' also, mucho heart, kudos... added to station 5/25/2021 6:03:11 PM
Rock 5818
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April and Tosoff
Villains In America
state of the union, on any given day, hey hey...(who's putin the P in the democracy?...) added to station 2/17/2020 12:34:40 AM
Industrial/Beat Rock 5818
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Lyle Holdahl
When They Return To Mars
a charmin' intro, symphonic and beckoning, to an otherworldly sphere, where music flowers naturally, apart from the destructive forces, out in the atmosphere now, elements of a classical (Bachian) vibe, and post-modern sci-fi drama and theater, kudos... added to station 4/11/2021 7:49:06 PM
Progresssive 5818
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Paul groover
Never let me down again
stellar vocal, and sonic treats galore, in pop/rock mode, a talking heads vibe here and there maybe, arch-mysterioso atmosphere, kudos... added to station 12/26/2019 12:39:53 AM
Electro Pop 5818
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well-sung rocker with neat chord changes, and melodic touches, and bvs, and tasty lead guitar by larree, and a talented band, locked in tight, pumpin' bass, jungle flute, bongos, the gang's all here, fun work, cheers... added to station 11/28/2019 2:27:43 AM
60s tie dye rock 5818
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Lars Mars
If You'd Had the Time
stellar melody, instrumentation, and production, remember lars mars back in the day, in the forefront of indie here on the site, outstandin' vocal and storytelling also, about the high school darlin ', "my oh my," like the glimpse of her grown up with kids, radio ready, about high school days, great stuff guys... added to station 7/27/2019 1:52:31 AM
Classic and Progressive Rock 5818
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Bryon Tosoff
A NEW DAWN ft wainwright dalgarno
m' applause to this beautifully produced peace, guitar/keys/sax interplay rocks, in an easy listenin' way, and the sax part rounds the peace with a sublime riffage, an expandin' , ripplin', soothin' delight... added to station 2/18/2021 9:14:43 PM
Mood Music 5818
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Typhoon Bob and Big Dog MaHound
Meet Me Tonight
a rock em/sock em lovfiest, w waitresses on the midnight shift, and a wild and crazy guy, grand guitar... added to station 11/30/2018 1:55:22 AM
Rock 5818
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Ross Harding
Walking In The Wind (for Leonard Cohen)
a soulful evocative song, with talented guitar, lovely, expressive piano, an outstanding backing vocal, such a lovely three minutes or so, great storytelling also, cheers...'when they play a song of love/I descend like a holy dove, and soar across the sky within/as I'm walking in the wind again..." added to station 7/23/2019 12:26:21 AM
Folk/Acoustic Rock/Americana 5818
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a mystery yarn... added to station 12/9/2019 11:20:35 PM
Abstract Hip-Hop 5818
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Chloe Collins
rockin' ode to fallin' in love, head over heels, w a stellar vocal, burstin' w vitality, tasty production and storytelling, (like how they used to do it lol), kudos... added to station 6/24/2018 2:07:54 AM
Country 5818
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Lars Mars
Gotta Love Somebody
groovy rock, w a toucha horns/synth, and harmonies, and lead guitar, and a stirrin' vocal, and thot-provokin' lyrics, like early Springfield here and there...(is that Stephen stills on lead guitar? Nice one, kudos... added to station 7/7/2018 9:21:27 PM
Classic and Progressive Rock 5818
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soul Q
gotta laugh at 'pi-s-s-e-d-', only in a studio, intriguing, oblique, a bit mysterioso, with a Star Wars robo patina, exploratory and f-u-n..Contradictions, of course contradiction, I embrace multitudes (Walt w.). added to station 10/7/2017 12:37:25 AM
Electro-Pop 5818
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Gordie Kerr (Official)
Calling the Night
sound tapestry,w jazzy guitar, strings, percussion, layin' it down with a phat, fine vibe, 'callin' the night,' happenin', kudos... added to station 6/19/2017 1:07:08 AM
Instrumental 5818
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Brandon LaSpada
I'll wait for you by the window
delightful guitar stylings, vocal tones, fresh as morning dew, kudos... added to station 7/7/2016 1:39:22 PM
Folk/Acoustic Rock/Americana 5818
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Duane Flock
Acoustic World
guitar figures, w creative spontaneity and unified vibe... added to station 7/30/2016 9:40:10 PM
Acoustic Jazz 5818
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Gary and Linda Sclafani
Under The Radar
bouncy tune, w winsome harmonies, and musicality, engagin' shufflebeat, mayhaps a la loggins and messina... added to station 6/6/2016 12:43:10 PM
Acoustic Indie Pop 5818
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Renaissance street
the suit
punk opera? edgy and out there, swe-e-et... added to station 12/17/2014 2:06:32 AM
Alternative Rock 5818
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Bryon Tosoff
morning mist
thru the mornin' mist, the piano man... added to station 2/26/2014 8:47:15 PM
ambient modern classical 5818
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JaWaan LaRue
Change The World
sonic harmonies, strong message... added to station 1/4/2014 3:26:31 AM
Indie Hip Hop 5818
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Tosoff and April
Rear Window
melodrama through a rear window, keys with finesse, and changes in tone, mountain man vocal, w a hard drinkin' detective... added to station 7/27/2017 7:21:57 PM
Folk Rock 5818
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Marc Ceccotti
And the angels will come back
artful, fun, esoteric... added to station 7/24/2013 3:53:44 AM
Neo-progressive & fusion 5818
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Atom Moon
Goodnight Moon
invitin' sonics, a lullaby to the moon, old as the mountains... added to station 2/9/2013 5:13:03 PM
Ambient 5818
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Gaby Moreno
Song Of You
evocative, atmospheric rhythms, grand vocal, song... added to station 1/20/2012 9:52:59 PM
Alternative 5818
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Tom O'Brien
I Will Leave No Song Unsung
rockin' chorus, w an early beatles vibe, or like a mccartney acoustic take, in a room in liverpool... added to station 9/4/2011 5:35:33 AM
Alternative Retro and Psychedelic 5818
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added to station 7/30/2011 1:43:08 AM
Comedy 5818
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Tosoff and April
Holy Water
bruce springsteen, elton john-ish, w neat piano/organ work, a bold, adventurous work that gallops and saunters, cries and whispers, bold storytellin' also, the birds sing along, they bless this song... added to station 9/4/2015 2:37:17 PM
Neo-Pop 5818
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In This House That I Call Home
'In the midst of the heyday of punk, there was one band who, when you spun their vinyl, took you right into the middle of the vibe... and you could crash at their house as long as you liked.' very cool... added to station 4/1/2009 3:03:09 AM
Punk 5818
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John Myles
All Along The Way
engaging vocal, spacious vibe... added to station 11/5/2009 8:02:31 PM
Christian/Spiritual 5818
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Chris Mahon
When The Rain Comes Down
lovely vocal, acoustic lead, songwriting... added to station 2/5/2009 9:57:51 PM
indie alternative 5818
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Tom O'Brien
After a Rain
crosby, stills and nash, returning after being swept away? really beautiful, with harmonies and flute... added to station 6/24/2009 7:30:42 PM
Jazz 5818
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Ison and April
Sailors On The River
added to station 3/10/2010 8:23:37 PM
Alternative Pop Rock 5818
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Vincenzo Pandolfi
Knock Knock
engaging musicality, a green anthem... added to station 7/11/2009 8:03:29 PM
World 5818
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engaging vocal tones, tasteful guitar... added to station 1/8/2009 5:25:19 AM
Folk/Acoustic Rock/Americana 5818
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a sonic tapestry, grows with the listening... added to station 11/18/2008 8:48:09 AM
Folk/Acoustic Rock/Americana 5818
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All Good Things (Dedicated to Sam Cat 12/09/08)
added to station 8/24/2008 10:28:29 PM
Alternative 5818
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Can U Dig It
added to station 9/26/2008 4:40:21 AM
Ambient 5818
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Marc Ceccotti
Unexpected meeting on Encelade
flute-y adventures, soothing textures... added to station 8/10/2008 2:46:18 AM
Guitar Instrumental 5818
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Velula - Ocaso de un Parpadeo
added to station 7/28/2008 3:24:31 AM
Metal/Hardcore 5818
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The Mulligan Project
Brave The Storm
confessional, engaging, and the fx fits the theme... added to station 7/29/2008 5:19:40 AM
Alternative 5818
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the kozy king
Wonder Woman
quirky, charming vibe... added to station 7/29/2008 3:24:42 AM
Alternative Lounge 5818
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Hugh Hamilton
Ukulele Odyssey (Take 1)
added to station 5/14/2008 7:09:43 PM
Folk/Acoustic Rock/Americana 5818
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Texas Willie
When I Was a Little Boy
added to station 5/11/2008 9:01:05 PM
Easy Listening/Soft Rock 5818
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added to station 5/11/2008 9:11:34 PM
World Fusion 5818
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I'll see you again
added to station 5/6/2008 9:49:38 AM
Classical 5818
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