Psyche's MuseJesus... PRICED !!!
Experimental/Post Rock HyperLink
song created                                

Monday, March 22, 2021 8:55:32 PM
song updated                               

Friday, January 3, 2025 7:24:16 AM
stations playing this song              


As is "custom", "airily" done, these words are being "spoken" for the very first time "as you listen!" And IN "this"("song") "not a thing" has been added nor, for better or worse, taken away. "Hope Fully" You Will Listen...(and "IN Joy"! )

Xanthan Gum: Vocals, Guitar
Mortamor: Keyboard("live" and pre-recorded melody), Lyrics

"13 as a number" is VERY "relevant" unto These United States Of America. "Sow" THAT IS WHY "I used IT"(in my writing) instead of THOSE "30 pieces of silver".

What do Ye "In The House of the Lord"?
(The "Head" with "Temples" of Government)
Do Ye these things for "Money"?("Selling Your Birthright")
And what Price did I fetch?(Thirteen "Pieces Of Silver")

Enough is Enough! Get Christ off the Cross!
Raise Him Up In "The Temple" Of "Your Body"!
The Fire of "Truth Will"... Set You Free!
And Jesus Christ "Will BE"... "THEE"!!!!

I Come To Caste The "Money-Changers" To the Ground!
(The Weeping "Merchants" Gathered 'round)
The "Fire" I Bring Is "Piece" They "Found".
I Came Not To Bring "Peace"... But "A Sword!"
And "Fire On The Earth!" "A Purifying Fire!"
Cleanse My cutting Scalpel! As I Perform "A Great Work!"...
I Come As The Great Physician "To Heal Thy Wounds!"(That Ye Die Not)

I'll "Weed Out" The "Tares"(But The Wheat Must Be Harvested "To Do This")
And THAT "Explains" The "Grim" Look Upon The "Reaper's" Face...
A "Great Tumult"... "Increases The Power" Of "Peace"!
"The Price" Of "Peace" Is "Priceless" Beyond Compare("Comfort And Contentment")

Be You VERY "Ware" Of THE "Sneaking/Prideful/Serpent", "Lying" At THE GATE.
"For Souls" A "Straying"... "EVER Does He Wait!"
Offering Gain And Glory Unto ALL!(Who WILL "Comply")
There's A "Toll" At The Bridge And A "Troll" At The Bridge...
Take Care As You Go "Buy"... "Take Care!" "As You Go!" "BYE!"
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