One NounIrresponsible Love Manifesto
New Wave HyperLink
song created                                

Monday, March 22, 2021 8:55:32 PM
song updated                               

Monday, March 22, 2021 8:55:32 PM


artwork by Belisssle


We were born and then over 30 years happened before we even met,
And how long ago was that?
We still have so much catching up to do

CH: We just wanna mind our own business
We just wanna snuggle and create
We paint the world as we see it
Behind our pseudonyms and iron gates

Capitalism makes it this way
Life would be so much easier without it
So many stupid rules we can't avoid
Get in our way with whatever time we have left

We never asked to be born into a world such as this
Yet here we are dealing with it best as we can totally in love

We both bring home a little bacon
Just enough to get some equipment and supplies
There will not ever be any retirement plan
We'll express ourselves until the day we die x
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