~LIFE AFTER LIFE~ ha ha...crazy tune Pete...that whacky flute whistle tops it off well...Moony woulda luved it...I can just imagine him laughing and doing a crazy jig about the room!
MUSICAL PUPPETS inna GALAXY emit s every emotion he feels into his music conveys a scathing social commentary with his unmatched sardonic wit as he humorously exposes the greed and obesity of human selfishness. Marching beat of sneaking gloom and gypsy feel acoustic picking with Pete's musical vocal harmonies and ends in a light-hearted nursery-like silly rhyme... illustrating the ridiculousness of this plight!
{{{{ THE FEEDING TUBE }}}} When listening to this imaginative and unique song by Townshend, I feel like I'm witnessing a vaudeville skit in motion...the free-form kooky whistle adding a touch of the ridiculous to this song of unquenchable greed... you can almost see them marching absurdly to the table as Pete masterfully changes his acoustic picking and syncopation to accompany each stanza and vocal line. Sardonically light-hearted romp among the dinner tables of the fat and rich...er...excuse me...you can't enter without a dinner jacket!...ha ha ha
Rock Goddess Ha! A true treasure, kazoo and all.
:::Abominable Snow Shaft::: The Abominable Snow Shaft "saLUTES" Pete Townshend
Cabaret Noir....... Oh Pete..Your slightly creepy but singalongy showtuning track is pretty cool n quirky n ironic and definitely perfect for this station.I'm amazed by how little your voice has aged as well..Nice one :) A Slow Commotion steal..
The Good Stuff Trois!!! Oh man!!! This song is a total throwback to the subversive humor found on Sell Out. And the weird little touches like the Theremin and slide whistle are right out of that era, as well. Reminds me of another contemporary of the era: Roy Wood... whom I'm sure took a lot of influence from The Who. Such a great, great song! I said it before and I'll say it again: thanks for everything that you share with us, Pete! This is a great one!
Performer sometimes i think lennon/meccartney have nothing on townsend... i like this "keith moonish silly" fucking song... nutty harmony vocals that somehow come together... love you pete