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The Backyard Bandits
5/22/2024 12:45:59 PM
Chaos in a Crop Top
Howdy y'all. Just wanted to see how our music would do here. Would love your thoughts on our first single, Chaos in a Crop Top (good, bad, ugly or otherwise welcome)
Steve April
5/24/2024 6:42:59 PM
"Well, if you like a country vibe, with rockin' production, strong vocals, and attitude, and a toucha rowdy bar atmosphere, this song fits the bill, got a lyric/story that's full of charmin' images and a catchy chorus to boot, a rockin' country extravaganza, kudos..."
Added to m'station "Summer Vacation."
Rock on...

The Backyard Bandits
5/25/2024 11:52:53 AM
Thank you Steve! Appreciate the listen, the review and of course the station add!
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