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The Fair Saints

7/28/2007 3:26:45 PM
New + Fantastic


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The Fair Saints

7/28/2007 3:26:45 PM

New + Fantastic
Wowzers, I really dropped the proverbial ball on this blog thing. Guess I just don't have much to say. New album is out and done and we are very proud of it, seeing as how we did it all by ourselves and didn't do it drunk or anything. It should be on iTunes and eMusic and other "lowercase-letter-plus-Uppercased-word" consumer outlets soon. For those old-fashioned Bastards of Young that like holding things in your hand, come see us next Thursday at the Hotel Utah and buy one from our grubby, dirt-licked hands, ten bones. Or e-mail us at fairsaints@gmail.com and Inquire Politely.

That's all I got, people. For us, this summer is a strange melange of promoting the record, writing and demoing new songs, and working For The Man Every Night and Day. Also, Mike bought a house with a garage (fancy), Chris is getting married or something, Jeremy plays Frogger a lot, I spend all day watching the Disney Channel (boy, that Hannah Montana is really something. And by "something", I mean horribly written) and Jonny's wrapping up work on a solo ep, which will probably be awesome or something close to it.

We promise you that the new album is good. You won't be disappointed. You should really buy a copy for you and a friend.

Anyone remember that scene in the second Harry Potter movie where he beheads the Baselisk? That was cool for a PG film. OK, good night Friends of the Famous.

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