When a government agency acts out an illegal operation, it is nicknamed a "black bag job." It is that type of activity that is the inspiration for our band.
Don't turn your back on us!

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Last logged in: 5/31/2009 5:00:00 PM         Pageviews:  10731
* Your song 'Dawn's Rising' has just been added to WIZARD X UNDERGROUND II station!
The Wizard X You guys RAWK........Keep it REAL..... Peace, Kenny
* Your song 'Dawn's Rising' has just been added to Das HimmelFahrtsKommanDo station!
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We are currently writing and recording new material.

12/18/2004 4:47:34 AM
Last pageview at: 7/25/2024 1:47:21 AM
Pageviews: 10731


Black Bag Job