Nine Inch Nails is one of the most influential rock acts of this era, almost singlehandedly putting the industrial genre on the map. There are endless NIN imitators out there but none even come close to the emotional power and original, compelling songwriting of Trent Reznor. Amidst elaborate mechanical/electronic backdrops, there is this amazingly soulful presence that awakens you, numbs you and thaws you. ultimately changing your world from the inside. The listener runs the whole gamut of visceral reactions when listening to any one of NIN's records, which are constructed as complete works that disarm you and penetrate your senses layer by layer.

Nine Inch Nails' "Year Zero" is in stores now.

Click here to buy from iTunes.

Also, you can now create your own Survivalism remix!

multi-track files are now available for you to completely reconstruct / deconstruct Survivalism any way you choose. Details coming soon on where you can upload your own mixes of the song to share them with the world!

Click here for more info.

we're in this together
from The Fragile

Industrial/Beat Rock

from the EP "Broken"

Industrial/Beat Rock

Capital G
from Year Zero

Industrial/Beat Rock

march of the pigs

Hard Alternative

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Conversation Suicide

12/4/2009 6:50:39 AM
If this REALLY is NIN, and Trent Reznor....FUCK YEAH!

ROCK the SHIT out of IAC.

your music has ALWAYZ ruled.


12/4/2009 6:49:38 AM
DOH !!!

Mister Error

1/7/2008 10:43:13 AM
Hello , great songs.

I wish your a creative new year 2008 and think big and kick ass.

best wishes from Mister Error Germany


12/1/2007 1:03:11 AM
Trent is one of my idols...if my idol Bowie goes to Trent for advice...Trent is now God! :) Honored to share that charts with you. -Greta from FUJI MINX


12/1/2007 1:02:58 AM
Trent is one of my idols...if my idol owie goes to Trent for advice...Trent is now God! :) Honored to share that charts with you. -Greta from FUJI MINX

Conversation Suicide

11/10/2007 8:43:19 PM
HELLS YEAH!!!!! Trent & NINE Inch Nails with little ole us on IACMUSIC? It makes unsigned bands like mine feel like we've got a chance of being heard.

Your music is the SHIT and you've NEVER sold out! KEEP IT UP!

-Much love for one of INDUSTRIAL MUSIC's TOP DAWGS,



9/17/2007 1:38:31 PM
WISH. kreapy screams 'LOUDER!!!!"



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Last logged in: 6/4/2009 2:45:03 PM         Pageviews:  26300
* Your song 'survivalism' has just been added to The Good Stuff Trois!!! station!
* Your song 'march of the pigs' has just been added to The Scream station!
* Your song 'closer (live)' has just been added to PHIFTY PHLEGM PHAVORITES station!
* Your song 'closer (live)' has just been added to The Ten Commandments station!
* Your song 'Capital G' has just been added to Everyone Else Totally Sucks station!
* Your song 'Wish' has just been added to KIAC Hitline station!
* Your song 'we're in this together' has just been added to Rock Quotes station!
* Your song 'Wish' has just been added to 2loose Favorites station!
* Your song 'closer (live)' has just been added to No 1 Indie songs 2009 station!
* Your song 'Wish' has just been added to Mighty Jerkules Approved 2 station!
* Your song 'march of the pigs' has just been added to KIAC Hitline station!
* Your song 'march of the pigs' has just been added to Bigmahons Big Station station!
* Your song 'closer (live)' has just been added to Raymond Porters Top Bands 2008 station!
* Your song 'Capital G' has just been added to The Metro Underground station!
* Your song 'we're in this together' has just been added to The Bleeding station!
* Your song 'march of the pigs' has just been added to Phamous Phlegm Phavourites station!
* Your song 'Wish' has just been added to IRON & CONCRETE PHALLIS station!
* Your song 'Capital G' has just been added to eYe station!
* Your song 'march of the pigs' has just been added to Tax and Regulate Cannabis 2010 station!
* Your song 'march of the pigs' has just been added to Mighty Jerkules Approved Too station!
* Your song 'we're in this together' has just been added to KarnalEcho Rock station!
* Your song 'Wish' has just been added to KIAC Hitline station!
* Your song 'Wish' has just been added to Phamous Phlegm Phavourites station!
* Your song 'Wish' has just been added to Larree's Choice Cuts station!
* Your song 'Wish' has just been added to Larree's Locals station!
* Your song 'Wish' has just been added to Larreeland station!
* Your song 'Wish' has just been added to REAL HARD Alternative station!
* Your song 'we're in this together' has just been added to GUITAR GOD SYSTEM - DOSES station!
* Your song 'Wish' has just been added to GUITAR GOD SYSTEM - DOSES station!
* Your song 'Wish' has just been added to L.A. Music Scene station!
* Your song 'Capital G' has just been added to Alizarine FM station!
* Your song 'march of the pigs' has just been added to NAKED ESKIMO BOXERS station!
* Your song 'Wish' has just been added to Alizarine FM station!
IAC Your song 'Capital G' has just been added to FAME & GLORY station!
IAC Your song 'Capital G' has just been added to Alizarine FM station!
IMP Your song 'march of the pigs' has just been added to Hard Alternative station!
IMP Your song 'Wish' has just been added to some names you probably heard of station!
IMP Your song 'Wish' has just been added to Wish there was something real station!
IMP Your song 'march of the pigs' has just been added to Wish there was something real station!
IMP Your song 'Wish' has just been added to eYe station!
IMP Your song 'we're in this together' has just been added to Angels Tears and Demon Spit station!
IMP Your song 'we're in this together' has just been added to MUSIC IS TRUTH station!
IMP Your song 'Capital G' has just been added to GRIT FM - A Desperado Revue station station!
IMP Your song 'march of the pigs' has just been added to TOUGH FM - A Desperado Revue station station!
IMP Your song 'Capital G' has just been added to BEAT FM - A Desperado Revue Station station!
IMP Your song 'Wish' has just been added to BEAT FM - A Desperado Revue Station station!
IMP Your song 'Wish' has just been added to Finnegans Wake 3 station!
IMP Your song 'march of the pigs' has just been added to STORM FM - a Desperado Revue station station!
IMP Your song 'we're in this together' has just been added to BEAT FM - A Desperado Revue Station station!
IMP Your song 'Capital G' has just been added to S T A N D i n g ...s$S station!
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Msg  Go!
Finnegans Wake Book 1 Chapter 3
STORM FM - a Desperado Revue station
Alizarine FM
FRACTURE - Hard and Heavy Radio
The Mountain
Pur Pale
REAL HARD Alternative
KWLF (Werewolve Radio)
BEAT FM - A Desperado Revue Station
Sleep Paralysis
Radio Polystar
Tyranny Belle
KarnalEcho Rock
Poets & Carnivores
playlist 16
some names you probably heard of
Out To Lunch
Biggie's Big-Time Radio Revue
The Electric Company
Industrial/Beat Rock
Hard Alternative
The Unknown (TS)
Politics Of Pop (Smart Writing & Indica)
Phamous Phlegm Phavourites
Wish there was something real
The Metro Underground
2loose Favorites
S T A N D i n g ...s$S

10/23/2010 8:42:35 PM
Last pageview at: 2/14/2025 11:15:21 AM
Pageviews: 26300

nine inch nails