My name is Darren and I am a singer/songwriter from Wayne, NJ. Welcome to my Independent Artist website

I am currently working on songs and performing at open mic nights. These songs are just demos until I get money to actually get them professionally recorded. I hope you enjoy them. I would love the feedback even if you do not. Also, for more songs, please check out my Purevolume account when you get a chance. Singer/songwriters need all the love we can get and I will not hassle anymore people on myspace. :)

Thank you for visiting and be sure to drop me line at or on AIM at DTFTunes.

Skies Change Over

Folk/Acoustic Rock/Americana

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June 27, 2007 - The Fine Grind w/ Alan Mitnick
Subtlely Powerful
The Subtle Things

4/11/2014 7:09:34 PM
Last pageview at: 7/24/2024 1:02:24 AM
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Darren Fisher