a rock and roll legend, yet he's never hesitated to expose his inner self to the world. the best de__scription ever attached to this man is "an artist who composes songs that often sound like brilliant chamber music set in the middle of a commando raid." his songwriting as well as his live performances have provided some of the classic moments in the history of music, yet he's ultimately contemporary, continues to innovate and change - uses new forms of media in his lifelong pursuit to vent this burning fire, this bottomless soul.. when Pete smashed his guitar on the stage, the resulting thud was revolutionary. his songs changed a culture, and his spirit continues to emit glowing embers of truth whenever he gives it a voice.
Lazy Fat People
English Boy
I am an Animal
There is No Message in a Broken Heart - reached # 1 on KIAC Big 50
Crashing By Design
January 19th, 1997
10/22/2015 5:13:46 PM I bought the xils 4 still trying 12 Osc. I know i will get something out of it eventually
7/12/2014 9:47:00 PM Thanks for being on this site Pete and helping Independant Artists! I love to listen to your posted songs. If Zack can't make it and you need a drummer call me!
2/4/2013 11:49:56 AM Hi Pete, Congratulations on winnin' the Les Paul Award. Surely, you're among the most popular to win the award. If you're inclined to explore leading a revolution in independent music, we've a great core group here on IAC, and are about to introduce ourselves to venture capitalists here in the bay area lol. I'll consider myself fortunate if you check out my artist page here on IAC, hopefully will look forward to hearing your new videos, featured on the huff post. au revoir for now, congrats anew, Steve A.
8/6/2010 8:49:47 PM Hi Pete! Hope you are creating great music that will enthrall us all!
2/10/2010 8:54:25 PM Hey Pete it was great 2 see/hear U & Rodger again "LIVE" during the Super ball half time show...U guys can still ROCK it 2 the max... I noticed a Strat and Fender amps Nstead of Tele's and Hi-watts...but the sound was still vintage Pete along with the windmills...loved the Nu solo liX U worked N2 the classics, Specially "Won't Get Fooled Again"...added Nu WHO flavours as anybody knows U guys do when yer playing live...U guys R 4 real & tru legends 2 the art ofROCK...ThanX 4 everything...~Austn
1/10/2010 10:02:16 AM Pete, absolutely great voice, reminded me on Peter Gabriel's best days. Love the sound and songs, all the best for 2010. EM GIEL
12/23/2009 2:37:28 PM sorry for first impression. got new keyboard now and want bto pay my respect and say a heartment thanks for bringing me up with you r music. beeing a boy listening to i'm a boy, picxtures of lilly and so on i was convinced youáll came from a differend planet with big nose aliens. realy, not joking or want to insult. no its a compliment. it changed my mind forever. in a way you could say i'm talking bout your penetration. Respectfully Yours, XXXBOOM
12/22/2009 1:37:20 AM k ..i'm gonna sma sh my ke yboard NOW!
12/21/2009 10:27:02 PM an honor indeed
12/21/2009 3:56:51 PM Hi! Thanks for posting all these great Townshend tunes!! xo
11/3/2009 5:52:28 PM thanks for thatI'll get back to yer- R
8/15/2009 10:05:42 AM Thanks again for carin' about this little Indie World, man -LONG live ORIGINAL music, and the GREATS, like THE WHO and Pete Townshend pHLeGm
7/26/2009 3:57:22 AM What a pleasure to find you here.
2/14/2009 7:27:42 PM music is love ....... making the world a sweeter place bless you denise
1/13/2009 1:01:52 PM No promo or hidden agenda in this message, Pete. Just... thanks.
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