""Animalcule. The name makes you think, moves you, arouses your curiosity and sends you looking for more. So does the music. Comprised of Bend, Oregon residents Ryan Kickland, Chris Brady and Clint Wood, Animalcule is a great deal more than the sum of its parts. Combining the elements of improvisation, hair parting thrust, sublime detail, uniquely intelligent lyrics, second-to-none musicianship and visual imagery, Animalcule will both set you back in your chair and set you flying. A notoriously tight and razor sharp act to follow, few bands are capable of moving an audience the way that Animalcule does. With some of the most powerful and creative three hour sets that the West Coast has to offer, these three men will change forever the way that you look at music and leave you disappointed with anything else."" -Dr. Michael Corenza

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Animalcule is currently recording in their Bend, OR studio and playing shows across the Northwest. 10/9/2005 12:32:56 PM
Last pageview at: 9/20/2024 1:37:07 PM
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