Longtime sideman with Lars Mars, Kurt has ventured into the world of solo projects, punctuated by occasional trips north to work with his friends at Recording Dwarf Studios in CT. A musical jack-of-all-trades and the master of none, Kurt has enjoyed fleshing out musical ideas in his modest digs in the south. The songs presented here are a sample of that work.
Since You Went Away About love lost, love found....but not forgotten, not relinquished. Held in the heart
She Makes Me Smile What can I say??? She Makes Me Smile!
Listen A ballad about people not listening...not communicating
Gulf of Mexico Where I'd like to be....sun...sand...sigh!
The Last Honest Man A song about the people who live their lives the right way despite facing overwhelming odds. With a big "Thanks!" to my friends at Lars Mars for Ron Carrier's fine drumming and Bob Simpson's always great guitar work....and a special Thanks! to Shawn.
You and Me Love song, clearly a man making ovetures to the women he loves
Take Me Away An homage to the 40's and 50's big band/vocal style, with thanks to Avacado Jones from the Big Billie Bleu Blues Band for the drum work.
My Other Life We all have two lives - real and imagined. My version of a Lars Mars song, with son Ed on drums and the great Bob Simpson on guitar.
Sleepytown A hot humid night... With much assistance and thanks to my friends at Lars Mars.
First Time
Magic Pond A very old song that features a beautiful Ovation Josh White guitar. A pretty old recording but worth a listen.
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8/15/2010 8:01:24 AM I hear you like Chinese girls.
5/18/2010 7:49:45 AM Take me away ... pretty cool Kurt, nice to hear some old style stuff done new ... the drummer did indeed do an excellent job ... I'm an old trumpet player from years gone by ... so this kind of brought me back to an almost forgotten period in my life ... nice job with the vox too ! Peace bro ... Sam
12/31/2009 10:14:41 AM Happy New Year Kurt! All the best for 2010! ROCK ON!
9/25/2009 2:40:15 PM Had to stop in and say hello Kurt .... hope it's all good man ... !
4/21/2009 7:33:31 AM Man that blog disappeared faster than a dozen donuts at a cop convention ! ... :) Hope all is well brother Kurt !
3/18/2009 9:42:27 PM Hi Kurt - Hope all is well in Shanghai? Thank you for the punt towards our page on the BB, appreciated! Kudos on getting immortalised in song by Jilly! Stay Well & ROCK ON>>>
3/14/2009 2:59:20 PM Hey Kurt ... I wanted to tell you that you're telling me to get off the soap box and speak with my music was the motivational inspiration for:"Anonymous Trolls". I've taken to telling people when something they do or say triggers my creative spark. I posted the link as a just in case you hadn't seen or heard the tune. Thanks for the inspiring words. Best, Kev-
3/11/2009 5:52:08 PM Hi Kurt, I appreciate your words of encouragement and support, Thanks! Regards, Jeff
12/31/2008 9:04:32 PM Hello Kurt ... just thought I'd pop in and say ... HAPPY NEW YEAR !!! Peace Sam
12/28/2008 3:11:23 AM Hi Kurt..I've just got back from spending 3 days at my parents for Christmas so i wasn't not answering on purpose! Have a brilliant creative new year and thanks for your magical cover of Girl On The Train..A real treat for me:)
12/22/2008 9:19:55 PM
12/20/2008 6:12:10 PM Hey Kurt .... I sent you an Artist mail ... Happy holidays and all ... Peace Sam
10/27/2008 8:39:44 AM Keep me posted on the Gibson lust (lol, and SORRY!) :) H
10/12/2008 11:28:04 AM thanks for the add sweety soulo
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