Epiphany, The person. Epiphany, in real life the Dutchman Erik Teljeur, born on august 24th 1959 in Amsterdam. I've always had a great passion for music. However for a long time it has been a passive passion. In 1993 I bought a Roland JV-80 and simply started. There was not any theoretical knowledge of music that stood in the way, and I just made music in an intuitive way. After some time the first tracks were finished. At that time an own style hasn't come up yet. Later I've developed a more own style. Very important, to me, is that the music must be very direct and intuitive. Until this present day I still miss any kind of theoretical knowledge (more or less ;-) ). Everything I make and do is with the heart and intuition. And that is how I want it to be. The songs are being made and mixed live, in one time. I prefer this technique, because the music develops more intuitively. The music on the cd'r Mindcapes is compiled from 3 older songs of the debut cd'r Images and 5 new songs. All songs are digitally remixed. In march the new cd "Sonica"of Epiphany will be released by the dutch label LB Music Production. It comes in a digipack with a 4 page booklet with liner notes. It contains 9 tracks who are all professionally mixed and mastered by the Soundwave Studio, Wijdenes.
The End of an Era Desolation and Hope
CASRScore 8.2
Beyond Imagine that you are traveling thru space, dark empty space. Slowly you are entering a galaxy. And finally after passing a meteor belt you see this planet, and you land on it.
Sonica Intro Authentic analog sounds combined with modern soundscapes.
CASRScore 8.35
Tidal Forrest Tribal musical instruments and the sound of the nature
CASRScore 8.43
No Escape Brand new track from the new Album "b'ak'tuns" that will be released later this year. This track is produced at 432 Hz. The natural "Music Pitch" int the universe. For more information about this look at http://goo.gl/flBL1
CASRScore 8.33
Angels and Ghosts An experiment in dark ambient soundscapes. The never ending battle between angels and ghosts
Dark Procession Be warned, this is no movie music, its no chillout music. It would be wise not to listen to. You all beware, this is not for the faint of hearted.....
Dreaming Dreaming (Let The Music Flow)
Hypnotic Jungle Imagine yourself in the middle of the jungle, something is on his way!!
CASRScore 8.41
Alpha A journey with a train to heaven
Sunrise One of the oldies, trying to capture the feeling of the sunrise.
Clouds Imagine that you can travel thru the clouds
Around Midnight Again an oldie, trying to cupture the mood of the nighlife in America
Spinnewiel Just a spinningwheel
Ying & Yang Another oldie, Ying and Yang. The two sides of life.
Ishgar A tale of the village fool who was abanded from is home into the dark woods where he dies.
2/14/2009 6:49:56 PM Astonishing & beautiful. Here is ambience at it's best. So many artists advertise themselves as ambient but your works are the real thing. Keep on chillin'.
3/22/2008 7:42:06 AM Congratulations on your Golden Kayak Nomination! Good Luck and I will see you at the Awards Broadcast! TW
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