A dreamer, believer, shaper n a maker

photo's Steffi Lewis mk-music.net
and James Newell

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Nine Steps Beyond
About the supernatural/love/fate/communication with the spirit world


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Last logged in: 6/9/2013 7:51:35 AM         Pageviews:  17203
peter (601) thanks for looking at 601. Hey, you have some serious hiss surging up when guitars aren't playing... Might want to have a look at that (compression release? gate release?). Cheers, peter
Steve Wright Yeah cool Peter thanx for advice sounds pretty technical to me I think maybe if I get it mastered that might sort it out Keep all the great music coming n take care
Marc Ok Steve ! your song on UP TO THE LIGHT STATION welcome here !
The Wizard X Steve, you restore my faith in an industry full of over-produced, meaningless songs void of soul and feeling... It's a PLEASURE to support you on my station on IAC!!!!
Muriel Steve, welcome to Batcave Radio and others! Your sound is real. Thanks for stopping by and turning me on to your tune. Peace and best wishes.
raymond porter you are shit hot.
Surrealist Power hahahahahaha I have read tour comment ahhahaha thanks for the feedback
Marc Bravo steve it's a nice video !
Raymond Porter Nice video, this idea could catch on.
Muriel You rock and the video is awesome. Love it.
haggis steve its an honour knowing you the song is really cool you ever want any backing or harmonies give me a buzz
Surrealist Power Psychedelic video is back yo !!or the aliens are analyzing our species. I like to watch green statues in the trippy video .Take care of your health, your face looks blue.
Chris Eaglehead say greetings!
john ostertag nice feel to the song.like it.
Alberto Martinez listen to this, if you can:http://iacmusic.com/songs.aspx?SongID=44655&ArtistID=34636
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Last pageview at: 10/20/2024 11:07:45 AM
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