Updated 7/18/2006 8:49:49 AM
Last View: 9/20/2024 5:52:53 PM
Last Login: 6/4/2009 4:14:08 PM
IndieMusicPeople.com       Michael J Johnson
About Me
I live for…
Music, movies, my wife, my pets
self-chosen nickname
Dr. J
life turning point
When I was diagnosed with ADHD a year ago.
I am a composer/guitarist/vocalist/bassist/keyboardist/producer/engineer, and an Assistant Professor in the music department at Greenville College. I teach recording, songwriting, live sound reinforcement, and a variety of other music subjects.
I grew up in Denver, and I got my bachelors degree in music from the University of Colorado. I met my wife there, and she was also studying music. Then we moved to Miami, and while completing a masters and doctorate in jazz performance, I made my living as a live/studio musician and a recording engineer. I was also in several bands that almost went somewhere then broke up. My wife got her masters in music business, and worked for Gloria Estefan, Island Records, and Palm Pictures.
But, alas, I got my doctorate so I could earn a steady paycheck, which led me to Greenville six years ago. However, while I've been teaching, I have continued to play, compose, and record and produce other artists. I currently play locally with The Flat Broke Band, I have a side project with my brother called Sonic Cinema, and I have a solo project which will be released soon. Here's some of my links:
My artist myspace:
The other bands I'm in:
You can hear some of the music by artists/bands I have produced here:
Julie Hunter ("What Dies")
6-8 aka Yung Poe
Sonic Cinema
The Flat Broke Band
Benjamin Harrel
Maribeth ("I Refuse")
Just a couple of other things: I have ADD, and I am a proud Mac user!

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My IndieMusicPeople Links
The Flat Broke Band  
Sonic Cinema  
Dr J Musical A.D.D.  
Hairy Blue Groove Music  
Threshold of Pain  

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Dr J Musical A.D.D.
Hairy Blue Groove Music

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