Meet Singer Songwriter, Cheryl Casselman. Her songs tell stories, and explore feelings that can be shared globally. They are simple depictions of every day life. Cheryl says ""I relieve my soul when I sing what my heart feels....I think people relate because the things I sing about, I know others have felt at one time or another."" Her songs are structurally unique, adhereing to her artistic integrity. ""I hope to enrich audiences with my versions of life, I hope it inspires and brings enjoyment. It has been a gift and it has strengthened me!"" Cheryl Casselman is an Artist, bringing to the foreground the influences of life, through her spirit and her voice. She has recently released a Solo Album ""One Track Mind"" that has recently been added to CBC Radio One's music library.
I Believe in Angels Meaningful and full to truth in this one.a true story..superb vocals Cheryl lays it on the line with a gritty performance on I believe you gotta have this one on your radio station
Any Road North From Cheryl;s soon to be hit cd Any Road North (promotions by Bryon Tosoff Voodoohead Productions �2015-2016 Indie Music People All Rights Reserved
Toronto Ontario Canada
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