Jim PharisGun Rag
acoustic blues rock HyperLink
song created                                

Monday, March 22, 2021 8:55:32 PM
song updated                               

Monday, March 22, 2021 8:55:32 PM
stations playing this song              
Blues Music is Truth
The Blues Bar
Bobbi & Clyde


An observation about consumerism and undefined fear.

Jim Pharis

Some mighty decent, give-you-the-shirt-off-their-back, kind of people are scared. Of something. Being well armed makes them feel better. Sort of.
This ol' boy down the road named Burt,
He's down to earth as dirt
he's always there to lend a hand

You couldn't ask for a better neighbor
comes when needed , sooner than later,
all in all he's a real good man

Most things we see eye to eye
we'll shoot the bull over coffee and pie
Talk about everything under the sun
One thing though I don't understand
is why such an upstanding man is
obsessed over having so many guns

I went over to his house one day
he had 'em all out on display
pulling them out of boxes and bags

Dozens and dozens of all kinds
all different sizes and designs
cleaning them all up with his gun rag

Gun Rag, gun rag somebody's
cleaning up with this gun rag
Gun rag, gun rag somebody's
cleaning up with this gun rag.

Boxes and boxes of ammo
his house catches fire it'll go kabammo
it'll make a hole like an atom bomb

There's enough rounds to fight a war,
when I ask him what for,
he says that he might need them down the road.

Something about when they take over
it ain't gonna be a stroll through
the clover
It'll be a fight just to survive

When I asked him who "they" are
He says "I ain't sure but they'll be a war
I'll need all these guns just to
stay alive".

Now please don't misunderstand,
at 12 years old I was on a deer stand
and I still shoot targets at the range.

But if you're going hunting with a
30 round mag then the deer must be
shooting back,
I find it all kind of strange

If the country's going down the drain
Then I'm afraid we gave it away
to a bunch of billionaires and their gangs
We got caught up in our lies
while they took away our rights
now we're all scared but we don't know why

But this ain't the end of the story,
My heart still quickens when I see Ol' Glory
But these are interesting times I confess

Nowadays folks scare too easy, maybe it's time
to turn off the T.V. and tune out the talking heads
and all their mess

All I'm saying is ask "Why"
and wonder if their answer's a lie
just who's coming out ahead from all
these guns

Gun Rag, Gun Rag, somebody's
cleaning up with this Gun Rag
Gun Rag, Gun Rag, somebody's cleaning up
Somebody's making a buck, somebody's
cleaning up with this Gun Rag
Song Comments

Blues Music is Truth
Folky blues groove cool fingerpicking guitar work, very listenable, good storyline fine vocals, fun to hear this song, well done Jim

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