Alberto MartinezAdagio Funebre (2nd Movement Sonata for Cello)
Classical HyperLink
song created                                

Monday, March 22, 2021 8:55:32 PM
song updated                               

Monday, March 22, 2021 8:55:32 PM
stations playing this song              
Sancocho Music
The Talent Searcher
Sound Drawings
Alberto Martínez´s Coffee Shop
Canary Islands´s Musicians
ZONE FM - a Desperado Revue Station


A piece inspired by the death of my Auntie Maruca.It tries to hold the tension by simple means.
Cello:Juan Pablo Aleman
Piano:Nicole Postel

Song Comments

Sancocho Music
The 2nd movement of a Sonata for Cello and Piano

The Talent Searcher
The death of the relative was the inspiration for the second movement . The form is a mix between the sonata form and some fugue elements . It was really a painful time. This piece was conceived as a goodbye to life.

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