LarreeProbably Never Always Will
Indie Rock HyperLink


Performed and recorded by Larree and Russ.
Larree - Lead Vocals and Guitars; Russ Foreman - Guitars, Bass, Backup Vocals, and Drum tracks. Produced, Mixed, and Mastered by Russ Foreman -
Russ Foreman Music Productions

Written by Dean Sottile (lyrics) and Larree (music)
© 2020-2024

Recorded, Mixed, Mastered, and Produced by Russ Foreman
Russ Foreman Music Productions

I wrote this song with Dean a few years ago and finally got to do it justice in Russ's studio.
Probably Never, Always Will

I'm not scared
But I'm afraid
Haven't made a thing
But I just got paid
I'm not restless
But I can't stand still

I'll probably never
But I always will

I'm not happy
But I can't stop singing
It's not too loud
But my ears keep ringing
I'm not sick
But I feel so ill

I'll probably never
But I always will

Probably Never, Always Will (3x)

It's not heavy
But I can't conceive it
It's pretty clear
But I don't believe it
I'm not violent
But I wanna kill

I'll probably never
But I always will

I'm not big
But I keep on growing
I'm not too smart
With all this knowing
There is a hole
Seems I just can't fill

I probably never
But I always will

Probably Never, Always Will (3x)

(Lead Guitar Solo - Russ)

I'm not inside
But I can't get out
I'm not certain
But I have no doubt
I didn't order
But I paid the bill

I probably never
But I always will

I probably never
I always will...

Probably Never, Always Will (3x)

lyrics by Dean Sottile; music by Larree - all rights reserved x
Song Comments

Larree Archive
Performed and recorded by Larree and Russ. Larree - Lead Vocals and Guitars; Russ Foreman - Guitars, Bass, Backup Vocals, and Drum tracks. Written by Dean Sottile (lyrics) and Larree (music) © 2020-2024. Winner! 2024 Golden Kayak Award for Best Rock Song.

Desperado Revue 2024 GK Contenders - 6
Contender for 2024 GK nomination - Rock

Outside the Window
Gotta love the tasteful production values that provide a rockin' rhythm, and a platform for the happenin' lyrics/story told with savvy and good humor, the guitar riffage recalls a jumpin' jerry Garcia vibe, like vintage wine, kudos...

Beard of Knowledge approved ! Tripping cool influences of Jerry Garcia in this happening tunage. yeah the Beard likes this amazing concoction of rock and jazzy vibe tasty vibe with amazing vocals, well appointed guitar fills blended in there is a funky killer bass line, and swath of organ too percussion is the bomb. Larree and all drop a huge mofu of a wonderful listen, you got the stuff bro

eYe mazing Larree drops a happening vibe loaded with incredible musicianship, stellar songcrafting and top notch production, the Larree groove is well balanced with tasty shots of guitar well placed keys and pro happening percussion.tight tight tight, great vox kudos

Very cool funky fun tune

Looking for Tunes
Very cool funky fun tune

2024 Golden Kayak Award Nominees

Poe poe whittle me
Sorry Larree! I "thought" I had added this one to my station back when I'd heard it the first time. Anyway, Good "Won"!!!

Golden Kayaks and #1 Songs, oh my
2024 Golden Kayak Award - Rock Song of the Year! (Never hit #1. Currently sitting at #2 on the All Genre Chart and the Rock Chart.)

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