Las Vegas' Lyric Road is the bridge spanning retro goodness and solid, future-thinking styles. The band performs self-described “pop rock with an 80s feel” and has a sound wide open to a broad spectrum of audience members. Fans of classic sounds will recognize the influences of such in Lyric Road's music and other listeners will be drawn to a sound that breathes some fresh air into a stagnant radio culture.


Music is an anchor. Not in the sense that it will drag you down but in the sense that it provides mooring and strength to both artist and listener. “Music makes us feel alive, complete and centered,” according to Lyric Road. And those vibes follow through to the listener, leaving fans with encouraging and entertaining songwriting.


Songs, says Lyric Road, should be something that provides fulfillment to the listener; it should be a sublime source of uplift. And that's exactly the sort of thing Lyric Road sets out to provide the audience with every song. “Music should not leave you empty and yearning but full with happiness, sorrow, anger and, most-importantly, self-awareness.” The band offers uplift and encouragement and also a place to find catharsis for the darker emotions, making for a well-rounded personality to the music. Lyric Road believes in using music as a way of bettering the world and it certainly is a brighter planet with the likes of Lyric Road around.


It's a colorful and diverse world by which we're surrounded and Lyric Road sees that as an opportunity to find a cornucopia of different influences and songwriting ideas. “We're inspired by people of all walks of life and the stories they tell.” Musically, Lyric Road cites a broad range of artists, with a list of faves that stretches from the classic rock era all the way to the post-modern rock of today.

The Artist at Work

Lyric Road is looking to head out for touring in the fall of 2007. Writing is an ongoing, never-stopping process. The group is put the finishing touches on its next album. Lyric Road is currently working with A&R Select, the leading indie A&R firm in Hollywood, CA.


“Lyric Road's nimble blend of influences reveals one foot in delicious old school sounds and the other foot beginning a stride into the future.” - A&R Select



stop the reign


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Last logged in: 6/10/2013 11:13:11 AM         Pageviews:  5565
Gabriella Raphael I love your music!! Especially Stop the Reign, what a great song!
* Your song 'stop the reign' has just been added to Rays new songs station station!
* Your song 'stop the reign' has just been added to my station too station!
Jadon Nehemiah
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lyricroad will be in the May issue of NoCover Magazine and on their comp CD "Groupies Suck Vol.11" they also have started an 8 state college radio campaign so be sure to check out their new tracks.
my station too

4/22/2014 7:09:34 PM
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