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Anon Twins

7/26/2009 12:22:18 PM
How did the Pig get on the roof


IAC Prime Member


Anon Twins

7/26/2009 12:22:18 PM

How did the Pig get on the roof
I am sure you have all heard the answer? Sorry to be so crass. Unfortunately this is an Australian attribute. We would have to be the most crass and in your face crowd of people on the planet. I am so sure you all know the answer to this pathetic joke that I am not even going to supply the hook other than to say the answer is definitely not "Bruce"..

Having just recovered myself from a bout of the cold pig, I was so happy to log on To IAC and see all my best buddies competing in this wonderful new song writing competition. Its great to see this place happening and going from strength to strength.

Anyway I would just like to ask you all what do you think of this outrageous statement

"diverse musical appreciation reflects higher intellect"

It is easy to find the solution. Just eat nothing but sardines for a week.

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the perfect banana

7/26/2009 5:22:43 PM

Depends on your exact meaning of diverse. I've always respected people who know what they like and some people whose musical focus is scattered don't seem to know what they like, at times.

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Anon Twins

7/27/2009 10:22:36 AM

Hey Banana, its good to know you respect people. I know what you mean. There are a lot of people in the music industry who spend a lot of time putting artists down because they don't fit into any particular commercial or artistic scheme.

Then you meet another kind of person who is driven and focused on a particular creative sound. They push and promote this sound in a positive way and make the industry a more diverse and better place. For listeners and artists. I like to think that is what happens here at IAC.

That is why I raised the question in the first place. The diversity in this place has to be listened to to be believed. Its great.

Just for the record. The swine flu.

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